财经英语阅读作者:朱琳 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787811179521 定价:29.0 出版时间:2010-02-01 出版社:中国农业大学出版社 |
财经英语阅读 本书特色
财经英语阅读 内容简介
财经英语阅读 目录
chapter one economic globalizationtext a introduction to economic globalization.
text b sub-prime mortgage crisis
text c financial crisis tests durability of globalization
chapter two money market
text a introduction to money market
text b money market mutual funds
text c fed announces new plan to help money market funds
chapter three banking,
text a introduction to banking
text b the banking industry in china
text c eu fudge on bank reform
chapter four investment
text a introduction to investment company
text b venture investment
text c how to make investment in stock market
chapter five insurance
text a introduction to insurance
text b risk
text c how to drive down the cost of car insurance
chapter six business management
text a introduction to managers and management
text b management by objectives
text c you can't learn management in a classroom
chapter seven financial management
text a introduction to financial management
text b the financial market
text c silent disaster tens of billions of dollars in financing arrangements are in trouble
chapter eight taxation
text a introduction to taxation
text b principle and types of taxation
text c the last tax-free christmas online
chapter nine accounting
text a introduction to accounting
text b financial statements of accounting
text c accounting ethic
chapter ten auditing
text a introduction to audit
text b audit report
text c who will protect public from leaders like enron's
chapter eleven marketing
text a introduction to marketing
text b marketing research
text c marketing strategies for fast-moving consumer goods
chapter twelve e-business
text a introduction to e-business
text b the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce
text c e-business: opportunity or peril
财经英语阅读 节选
财经英语阅读 相关资料
插图:技术和设备的依赖程度较低的产业。其衡量的标准是在生产成本中工资与设备折旧和研究开发支出相比所占比重较大。4.The dominant role of developed countries in the process of economic globalization is reflected in the fact that it is they who determine the rules for international economic exchanges.发达国家在经济全球化过程中一直占据领导支配地位,它们的支配地位表现为国际经济交流规则是由它们来决定的。5.Under open economic conditions,the conflict between the realization of external economice quilibrium and that of internal economic equilibrium is a great constraint on the macroeconomicpolicies of developing countries,weakening their capacity of macroeconomic control and regulation.在开放的经济环境下,内、外部经济平衡的实现之间的冲突对发展中国家宏观经济政策的实施是一大限制,它正在削弱发展中国家对宏观经济调控的能力。6.The“sheep-flocking effect”and the“self-fulfilling mechanism”of monetary crisis existingin intemational financial markets will further strengthen the concussion suffered by developing countries.而国际金融市场中所存在的货币危机中的“羊群效应”和“自我实现机制”会进一步加深发展中国家的动荡。The effect of sheep flock:“羊群效应”,也称为“从众心理”,是指管理学上一些企业的一种市场行为。经济学里经常用“羊群效应”来描述经济个体的从众跟风心理。羊群是一种很散乱的组织,平时在一起也是盲目地左冲右撞,但一旦有一只羊动起来,其他的羊也会不加思索地一哄而上,全然不顾前面可能有狼或者不远处有更好的草。因此,“羊群效应”就是比喻人都有一种从众心理,从众心理很容易导致盲从,而盲从往往会陷入骗局或遭到失败。羊群效应一般出现在一个竞争非常激烈的行业上,而且这个行业上有一个领先者(领头羊)吸引了大部分人的注意力,整个羊群会不断模仿这个领头羊的一举一动,领头羊到哪里去吃草,其他的羊也去哪里淘金。self-fulfilling mechanism:自我实现机制。1992年欧洲汇率体系危机和1994年墨西哥金融危机的爆发,为货币危机理论的发展提供了现实的基础。1996年奥波斯特菲尔德(Obstfeld)又系统地提出了“第二代货币危机模
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