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人与世界-医学英语阅读教程 本书特色


人与世界-医学英语阅读教程 内容简介


人与世界-医学英语阅读教程 目录

unit one disease: global burden, arena of human miracles
unit two doctor and his patients: shared values and perspectives
unit three obesity: a luxurious killer
unit four brain: seat of soul & sacred diseases
unit five stress: psychosomatic effects of black moods
unit six genes: basic units of life
unit seven environment: home for 75 billion tons of biomass
unit eight space-physiology: human body in celestial visits
unit nine  growing old: crowning a successful life
unit ten ethics : medicine, law and conscience
appendix i key to exercises
appendix ii vocabulary

人与世界-医学英语阅读教程 节选


人与世界-医学英语阅读教程 相关资料

His Life's WorkFor nearly three decades I've practiced medicine, treating and studying cancer, blood diseases,HIV and hepatitis C. During much of that time, I did not consider the impact of hope on my patients' illnesses. In fact, the fairy-tale claims about hope caused me to flee from the subject. Then something happened that changed my attitude forever.On a summer evening in 1987, I went to the hospital to visit an ill colleague. George Griffin - Har-vard professor, revered and beloved chairman of our department of pathology had been diagnosed with stomach cancer, the worst type that one can have. In cases like his, only two to three percent of patients live six months. At nine months, survival is less than one percent. The bitter irony was that stomach cancer was the disease that George had made his life's work. No one knew more about the malignancy and its dire prognosis than he.Nonetheless, George had insisted on receiving aggressive treatment combining high doses of chemo-therapy with intensive radiation, despite the absence of evidence that such toxic therapy couldchange the fatal outcome of a cancer as advanced as his. It was clear his treatment risked hastening his demise, or at least robbing him of the last tranquil days at home with his family and friends. I would not ordinarily treat a patient with George's prognosis this way. But I was not consulting on his case.I entered George's room. The sheets were drawn to his neck. His eyes were closed and sunken, his skin ashen, his lips blackened from dried blood in deep ulcers. For a moment, I wondered if he had died. Then he slowly turned his head and noticed me. With tears in his eyes,George struggled to speak."Don't talk," I said. His eyes closed in assent. George had suffered a severe side effect of the treatment; essentially the delicate lining tissue from his lips to his rectum was scorched, ulcerated and bleeding. I spent a few minutes with him, and as I departed, I thought ho

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