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英汉下指的认知功能研究作者:高军 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787560149349 定价:20.0 出版时间:2009-11-01 出版社:吉林大学出版社 |
英汉下指的认知功能研究 内容简介
英汉下指的认知功能研究 目录
chapter one introduction
1.0 the notion of catapbora
1.1 a brief literature review
1.1.1 related studies in english
1.1.2 related studies in chinese
1.2 general aims and objectives
1.3 some methodological preliminaries
1.3.1 research methodology
1.3.2 selection of english and chinese novels for the study
1.3.3 typographic conventions
1.4 organization of the dissertation
chapter two identification and classifications of cataphora
2.0 introduction
2.1 zero pronoun as cataphor in chinese
2.2 zero pronoun as cataphor in english
2.3 classifications of cataphora
2.3.1 genuine cataphora vs repeat identification by van hoek (1997)
2.3.2 classification of cataphora
2.4 distribution of referential types in our chinese and english corpora
2.4.1 distribution of referential types in chinese narrative discourse
2.4.2 distribution of referential types in english narrative discourse
2.5 summary
chapter three basic patterns and configurations of cataphora in chinese and english narrative discourse
3.0 introduction
3. 1 previous researches on basic patterns and configurations of cataphora in english and chinese
3.2 basic patterns and configurations of cataphora in english narrative discourse
3.2.1 basic patterns
3.2.2 prototypieal configurations
3.3 basic patterns and configurations of cataphora in chinese narrative discourse
3.3.1 basic patterns
3.3.2 prototypieal configurations
3.4 examination of local discourse anaphora in english and chinese narrative discourse
3.4.1 local discourse anaphora in english narrative discourse
3.4.2 local discourse anaphora in chinese narrative discourse
3.5 comparison and discussion
chapter four pragmatic functions of cataphora in english and chinese narrative discourse
4.0 introduction
4.1 foreground and background in narrative discourse
4.1.1 the notions of foreground and background
4.1.2 linguistic markers of foreground and background
4.1.3 content criteria for distinguishing foreground and background
4.2 grounding status of the cataphor-containing structures in english narrative discourse
4.2.1 sententce initial prepositional phrases
4.2.2 sententce initial adverbial clauses and non-finite clauses
4.3 grounding status of the cataphor-containing structures in chinese narrative discourse
4.4 verification of grounding status of the cataphor-containing structures in the four referential types in english and chinese narrative discourse
4.5 summary
chapter five: a cognitive account of cataphora in english and chinese narrative discourse
5.0 introduction
5.1 a brief overview of the cognitive processes involved in discourse comprehension
5.2 cognitive states of discourse referents
5.2.1 the notions of identifiability and unidentifiability
5.2.2 activation cost theory
5.2.3 activation states,referential form and topic accessibility
5.3 interpretation of distributional patterns of cataphora in english and chinese narrative discourse
5.3.1 interpretation of the rarity of cataphora in general
5.3.2 interpretation of occurrence frequencies of the three types of cataphora
5.4 interpretation of cataphora in terms of van hoek' s reference point model
5.4.1 ariel' s accessibility theory
5.4.2 van hoek's reference point mode]
5.4.3 reference point model and cataphora in english and chinese narrative discourse
5.5 cataphora as cognitive processing instruction to the reader
5.6 summary
chapter six conclusion
6.0 introduction
6.1 summary of major findings
6.2 theoretical implications
6.3 limitations of this study and suggestions for further
appendix ⅰ
appendix ⅱ
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