2011-Chinese Life-我们中国人

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2011-Chinese Life-我们中国人

2011-Chinese Life-我们中国人

作者:华文 等著

开 本:16开





2011-Chinese Life-我们中国人 本书特色


2011-Chinese Life-我们中国人 内容简介

     《我们中国人(2011)》(英文版)由华文等著。      《我们中国人(2011)》(英文版)内容如下: the communist party of china celebrated its 90th birthday on july 1,2011. through 90 years of tremendous changes, china has transformed itself from a poor and weak country into a powerful country in the east. china's pace of development has startled the world. this is the result of continuous exploration of the chinese people under the leadership of the communist party of china. from 2010 through the first half of 2011, we chose 20 chinese people and recorded their glory and dreams, laughter and tears in this book. they cannot represent'all chinese people, but in this year, the events they have experienced,what they thought, and what they did attracted media attention.

2011-Chinese Life-我们中国人 目录

dedication to rocket science a reconstruction miracle worker vancl - an extraordinary brand innovative choreographer the spirit of lei feng lives on microblogs change the world super dan, superstar building a new life, developing a new region china's entry to the wto a life without limits the frontier doctor strength in disaster and tragedy "welcome to the china pavilion!" eight-day rescue relief in japan pioneer of reforms low-carbon buildings trendsetter researcher of cpc history playing sun yat-sen four times interpreting "the twelfth five-year plan" a centenarian and a scholar 2011-Chinese Life-我们中国人

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