英语阅读策略进阶作者:方芳 主编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787312027956 定价:30.0 出版时间:2011-07-01 出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社 |
英语阅读策略进阶 内容简介
方芳主编的《英语阅读策略进阶》从探讨阅读的本质入手,从不同角度对英语阅读技能进行阐释和训练。 本教材针对大专院校英语专业一二年级学生、非英语专业高年级学生的课堂阅读而设计,是阅读课程教师的辅助教材。本教材循序渐进,从养成良好的阅读习惯开始,过渡到以发展学生的有效阅读能力及培养学生的反思能力为目标的评析性阅读,分三个阶段培养和拓展学生的阅读能力。
英语阅读策略进阶 目录
前言 part one basic reading general introduction unit 1 speed reading & reading speed unit 2 techniques for speed reading unit 3 reading flexibility & efficiency unit 4 prereading & predicting unit 5 skimming & scanning unit 6 word guessing semantic context and syntactic context unit 7 word guessing immediate context and wider context unit 8 vocabulary building word formation (i) unit 9 vocabulary building word formation (ii) unit 10 using the dictionary part two effective reading general introduction unit 1 identifying topics and main ideas unit 2 recognizing supporting details unit 3 recognizing signal words unit 4 understanding organizational patterns(i) unit 5 understanding organizational patterns(ii) unit 6 understanding organizational patterns(iii) unit 7 creating mind maps part three critical reading general introduction unit 1 differentiating facts from opinions unit 2 recognizing the author's purpose unit 3 recognizing the author's tone unit 4 reading ideas as well as words unit 5 detecting bias unit 6 writing a summary unit 7 writing a book report/book review unit 8 markingup a text part four comprehensive reading general introduction unit 1 reading a story unit 2 reading a textbook unit 3 reading a newspaper key to exercises appendix reference
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