Diaoyu Dao-An Inherent Territory of China-钓鱼岛-中国固有的领土-英文

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Diaoyu Dao-An Inherent Territory of China-钓鱼岛-中国固有的领土-英文

Diaoyu Dao-An Inherent Territory of China-钓鱼岛-中国固有的领土-英文

作者:the National Marine Data and Information Service 著

开 本:其它





Diaoyu Dao-An Inherent Territory of China-钓鱼岛-中国固有的领土-英文 目录

general situation of diaoyu dao diaoyu dao has been china's inherent territory since aucient times japan and the international community recognized diaoyu dao as part of china in explicit terms japan's claim to sovereignty over diaoyu dao is totally unfounded china resolutly claims and safeguards lts sovereignyt over diaoyu dao appendixⅰ appendixⅱ appendixⅲ   Diaoyu Dao-An Inherent Territory of China-钓鱼岛-中国固有的领土-英文

外语 FOR老外 政治


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