拥抱此刻的阳光-美丽英文-2作者:彭芳 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787510429279 定价:15.0 出版时间:2012-10-01 出版社:新世界出版社 |
拥抱此刻的阳光-美丽英文-2 本书特色
拥抱此刻的阳光-美丽英文-2 内容简介
彭芳编译的《美丽英文(拥抱此刻的阳光)》中这些至纯至美的英文佳作、至真至善的心灵经典呈现给你,带你走进一个*美丽的英文殿堂,引你踏上一段成就自我的文学之旅……这一句句掩卷难忘的妙语佳言,一篇篇震撼心灵的永恒经典,让你在繁杂喧哗中体味到一股令人心醉的温暖,令你在品位华美的英文意境时,体会到静谧清澈的心灵之音。 生命的美好没有界限,每一次相遇都会使这美好变得愈发丰富。遇见美丽英文,爱上英文,用*快乐的方式学习英文……这就是我们为你精心送上的礼物。如果你的心在此刻被触动,请带着久违的心情,坐下来细细品读《美丽英文(拥抱此刻的阳光)》一番,聆听书籍的声音,推开梦想的心门,感受这永不消逝的美丽吧!
拥抱此刻的阳光-美丽英文-2 目录
**章 享受的时光 every day is a gift relish the moment how to spend the life you have left girls of summer work with the “now” the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time life style: boost your feeling by eight strategies “there” is no better than “here” what i have lived for the hardest work you will ever do 第二章 不抱怨的快乐 an incomplete circle playing a violin with three strings the most beautiful heart a complaint free, happier life on motes and beams five balls of life the goodness of life april showe bring may flowe i believe that i always have a choice on solitude 第三章 心灵的乐章 the happy door accept the world and you will be happy you are the only one who can make you happy life needs gratefulness reaso to smile-health benefits of smiling how to grow happiness the villager and the happy man the smile methods of economy 第四章 幸福的开启 soft places in your heart key words in your life giving life meaning rules of life the most important thing in your life your mind is a garden a father’s twenty beliefs simplify your life happiness happiness is a journey
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