实用会计英语作者:袁晓玲,周俊强 主编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787307113695 定价:29.0 出版时间:2013-08-01 出版社:武汉大学出版社 |
实用会计英语 本书特色
实用会计英语 内容简介
袁晓玲等主编的《实用会计英语》—书共分十四 章,详细介绍了常见会计理论与实务各个环节的核心 内容,并配有极为实用的大量实务 操作案例。从基础的会计试算表到较为复杂的财务报 表,*具实用性的各种表格—网打尽。本书能帮助读 者在英语环境中全 面了解和掌握*核心的会计专业知识。 《实用会计英语(专业外语系列教材)》可作为高 等财经院校专业课教材。其简明的内容和设计非常适 合会计从业者或相关从业人员掌握基础的会计理论和 实践,同时也有利于提高使用者的专业英语水平。
实用会计英语 目录
chapter 1 overview of accounting
1.1 accounting history
1.2 accounting definition and function
1.3 accounting standards
1.4 categorization of accounting
1.5 accounting postulations
1.6 accounting principles
chapter 2 accounting recognition and measurement
2.1 accounting elements and equations
2.2 accounting subjects and account
2.3 double entry system
chapter 3 accounting process
3.1 accounting cycle
3.2 the joumal
3.3 the ledger
3.4 adjusting entries
3.5trial balance
chapter 4 current assets
4.1 assets
4.2 current assets
4.3 cash
chapter 5 accounts receivable
5.1 receivables
5.2 accotlnts receivable
chapter 6 inventoryt
6.1 inventory and its classification
6.2 determine inventory quantities
6.3 basic issues in inventory valuation
chapter 7 non-current assets
7.1 fixed assets
7.2 depreciation of fixed assets-t
7.3 intangible assets
7.4 long-term investment
chapter 8 liabilities and equity
8.1 concept of liabilitiestt
8.2 current liabilities
8.3 long-term liabilities
8.4 owner's equity
8.5 the nature of owner's equity
8.6 sources of owner's equity
chapter 9 revenue and expenses
9.1 revenue
9.2 expensest
9.3 gains and lossest
chapter 10 financia1.statements
10.1 overview of finaneia1.statements
10.2 the balalice sheet
10.3 the income statement
10.4 11le statement of cash f1ows
chapter 11 financia1.statement analysis
11.1 objectives of financia1.statement analysis
11.2 trend analysis
11.3 common-size analysis
11.4 ratio analysis
chapter 12 accounting in the new epoch
12.1 internationa1.accounting
12.2 computerized accounting system
12.3 three basic software in accounting
chapter 13 accountants,organizations and examinations
13.1 profession of accounting
13.2 top accounting organizations
13.3 accounting examinations
13.4 ethics and the accounting environment
chapter 14 accounting language-
14.1 abbreviation and acronyms
14.2 british and american accounting vocabulary
14.3 accounting terms
14.4 accounting diagrams
keys to the exercises
外语 大学英语 大学专业英语教材
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