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美国名校毕业演讲大公开-让世界因我不同-那些商业精英对我的鼓励-附赠演讲现场视频DVD作者:沈明 主编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787515904771 定价:29.8 出版时间:2013-09-01 出版社:中国宇航出版社 |
be an adorer of life
做一个热爱生活的人 / 81
life is not lived in the glow of a monitor. life is not a series of status updates. life is not about your friend count—it’s a friend who actually you can count on.
to have different chapters in your life
人生中要有不同的篇章 / 97
i encourage you all to embrace all the twists and turns that await you and do not to get stuck on any one path or any one way of seeing things. along the way, as you are writing the story of your life, remind yourself that a great life almost always consists of many different chapters. so be sure to have them.
make change your ally
与变化为友 / 113
set your sights on changing the world—in leaving this planet a little better than you found it. that need not be as grandiose as it sounds. it can take the form of getting involved with one of the big ideas of our time, or working for an organization that creates decent jobs for its workers, or raising a family that will carry good values into the future.
do not lean back, lean in
勇往直前,不要退缩 / 123
we will never close the achievement gap until we close the ambition gap. but if all young women start to lean in, we can close the ambition gap right here, right now, if every single one of you leans in. leadership belongs to those who take it. leadership starts with you.
don’t play it safe
不入虎穴,焉得虎子 / 137<
美国名校毕业演讲大公开-让世界因我不同-那些商业精英对我的鼓励-附赠演讲现场视频DVD 节选
政界、商界、学术界、演艺界名人妙语连珠 这里有真诚的告诫和郑重的嘱托 这里有诚挚的祝福和殷切的期望 愿您快乐,祝您成功 无论在校园内还是在校园外

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