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外企白领英语口语大全-全新升级-(含1MP3) 本书特色


外企白领英语口语大全-全新升级-(含1MP3) 目录

chapter 1  interview 面试
unit 1  job-hunting on the internet 网上求职
unit 2  work experience工作经验
unit 3  personality and interests 性格与爱好
unit 4  reasons for applying应聘原因
unit 5  education 教育
unit 6  career objective工作目标
unit 7  expected salary期望的待遇
unit 8  applying for a sales position申请销售职位
unit 9  signing an agreement签订协议
chapter 2  office affairs 办公室事务
unit 1  inviting clients邀请客户
unit 2  receiving visitors接待来访者
unit 3  arranging a schedule安排日程
unit 4  arranging a meeting安排会议
unit 5  discussing work商谈工作
unit 6  training a newcomer培训新来者
unit 7  faxing 接发传真
unit 8  mails and emails接发信件和电子邮件
unit 9  file-keeping档案管理
chapter 3  etiquette for white collars 白领礼仪
unit 1  meeting at the airport机场接人
unit 2  introducing and greeting介绍和问候
unit 3  paying a visit拜访
unit 4  invitation to banquet宴请
unit 5  accompanying guests to a factory陪同客户参观工厂
unit 6  accompanying customers for sightseeing陪客户观光
unit 7  accompanying customers for shopping陪客户购物
unit 8  giving presents赠送礼品
unit 9  see-off and leave-taking送行和道别
chapter 4  co-workers同事相处
unit 1  getting to know new colleagues认识新人
unit 2  talking about people 谈论他人
unit 3  entertaining 请客
unit 4  mutual encouragement相互鼓励
unit 5  giving a hand搭手帮忙
unit 6  working overtime and covering for someone 加班与代班
unit 7  arriving late 迟到
chapter 5  boss and employee领导与员工
unit 1  endless overwork无休止的加班
unit 2  asking for leave请假
unit 3  holiday rotation假期轮休
unit 4  asking for a pay raise要求加薪
unit 5  requesting promotion要求升职
unit 6  resigning辞职
unit 7  urging employees to stay挽留员工
unit 8  getting a sack 被解雇
chapter 6  overseas business trips 海外出差
unit 1  applying for a visa申请签证
unit 2  at the customs海关通行
unit 3  at the hotel宾馆住宿
unit 4  booking a table预订餐桌
unit 5  at the restaurant餐馆就餐
unit 6  by plane乘飞机
unit 7  by train乘火车
unit 8  by bus乘汽车
unit 9  by taxi乘出租车
chapter 7  after hours 八小时外
unit 1  going on vacation 轻松假期
unit 2  going on a journey出游
unit 3  picnic 郊游野餐
unit 4  dance party舞会派对
unit 5  photography摄影
unit 6  physical exercise体育活动
unit 7  golf打高尔夫球
unit 8  keeping fit 健身
unit 9  chill out at cafe 咖啡休闲
unit 10  frequenting a bar泡吧
unit 11  shopping on the internet网上买东西
unit 12  white collar garment 白领衣装
unit 13  telecine电视电影
unit 14  reading books and newspapers 读书看报 外企白领英语口语大全-全新升级-(含1MP3)

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外语 口语、生活实用英语 商务、职场英语


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