
首页 > 图书 > 教育类图书/2020-06-15 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]



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day 265别……自己。don't… about/on/of yourself.
day 266我期盼……i am looking forward to…
week 39
day 267谢谢你……thank you
day 268感谢……thanks for…
day 269谢谢您……
it's very kind…
day 270我真心感激……
i truly appreciate…
day 271我会感激……
i would appreciate…
day 272很感激……… is greatly appreciated.
day 273没有……就没有……couldn't have…  without…
week 40
day 274你的工作做得……
you did a … job.
day 275你应得……
you deserve…
day 276你很聪明。
  you are sharp.
day 277我被……触动了。i'm (really) impressed by…
day 278我喜欢……的方式。
  i like the way…
day 279我很满意……be very pleased/ satisfied with…
day 280……对我们帮助很大。
  … help(s) us a lot.
week 41
day 281我遇到了一些问题。i've come across some problems.
day 282我的脑子今天不转了。my brain isn't functioning today.
day 283这可能有问题。this could be a problem.
day 284我们面临*大的问题是……the biggest problem we are facing is…
day 285问题解决了。the problem has been sorted out.
day 286我会调查……
i will look into…
day 287怎么会……?how come…?
week 42
day 288可以请你……吗?
would you please…?
day 289我能请你……?
could i possibly…
day 290你不能……?
couldn't you…
day 291我能请你帮忙吗?
may i ask a favor?
day 292你有时间……?
do you have time to…
day 293如果你愿意…….
if you'd like …
day 294如果我……可以吗?
is it okay if i…?
week 43
day 295小心点。be careful.
day 296当心……
be aware of…
day 297别搞砸了。
  don't blow it.
day 298确保……
make sure …
day 299你需要进一步研究。you will need more research.
day 300如果你失败了,我可能会丢掉工作。if you fail, i might lose my job.
day 301工作送出去前要检查。
  check your work before it goes out.
week 44
day 302我很抱歉……
i'm sorry to…
day 303我很抱歉……
i'm sorry that…
day 304原谅我……
excuse me for …
day 305对于……我深表道歉。
  i apologize for…
day 306……是我的错。
  i'm to blame for…
day 307我真正觉得……
i really feel…
day 308我不是有意……
i didn't mean…
week 45
day 309你没有……感。you have no sense of …
day 310他缺乏……
he is lacking in…
day 311我不喜欢……的方式。
  i don't like the way …
day 312她很难接近。she is hard to approach.
day 313难道你不能……
can't you be…
day 314你不该……
you shouldn't…
day 315你本不该……
you shouldn't have…
week 46
day 316我很高兴。
  i feel great.
day 317我太……i'm so….
day 318我很高兴……
i'm glad….
day 319我没想到……
i never expect…
day 320这正是……
it's exactly what….
day 321没有比……
nothing could be…
day 322这是……时刻。
  this is…moment…
week 47
day 323他是个不错的人。
  he is a nice man/person.
day 324我和同事相处不错。
  i am on good terms with my colleagues.
day 325你我是……
you and i are…
day 326我们相互认识……we have known each other…
day 327他这人难对付。he is difficult to deal with.
day 328我从来没有遇到像……的人。i've never met anyone as… as…
day 329即使他……他……
even though he…he…
week 48
day 330我也这样认为。
  i think so.
day 331我同意……i agree…
day 332我明白你的意思,但是……
i see your point, but…
day 333我认为那不是办法。
  i don't think that's the way with it.
day 334我宁愿你不要。
  i'd rather you didn't.
day 335我持保留态度。
  i am not convinced.
day 336现在/这里不行。
  not now/here.ⅹⅴⅲⅹⅴⅱweek 49
day 337我被调到了……
i was transferred to…
day 338我调到了……
i am moving to…
day 339他被任命为……he has been assigned to…
day 340我希望能有机会……
i'd like to have a chance/an opportunity…
day 341我能胜任……
i am qualified for…
day 342我决定……
i've decided…
day 343你听说……了吗?
have you heard…?
week 50
day 344我正在考虑……i am thinking of/about….
day 345我觉得现在是时候……
i think it's about time…
day 346我决定……
i made up my mind…
day 347我不再……i am not…(any longer)
day 348我的新工作有……
my new job offers…
day 349我不得不……
i have to…
day 350我一直很努力,但我觉得无法……i have been trying, but i don't think…

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