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voa news 4 美国和平队志愿者在亚非国家支教
peace corps volunteers are teaching in africa and asia
voa news 5 美国高校留学生人数继续增长
the number of international students attending american colleges
and universities continues rising
听力技巧 4 强化数字集训(1)

chapter 5 健康*关注
voa news 1 你对普通感冒了解多少?
what do you know about the common cold?
voa news 2 早期治疗可以限制艾滋病毒传播
early treatment can limit the spread of hiv
voa news 3 慢性疾病成为一些国家“即将面临的灾难”
chronic diseases are “impending disasters” for some nations
voa news 4 自动水龙头滋生病菌成为免疫力低下人群的隐患
automatic faucets contain bacteria may be a risk to some people with weakened immune systems
voa news 5 世卫组织表示酒精滥用是一个全球性问题
world health organization says alcohol abuse is an international problem
听力技巧 5 强化数字集训(2)

chapter 1 国际热点秀
bbc news 1 伊朗海军进行导弹试验
iran’s naval forces carried out missile test
bbc news 2 尼日利亚可能爆发内战
nigeria on brink of civil war
bbc news 3 埃及安全部队突袭亲民主组织
egyptian security forces raided offices of pro-democracy groups
bbc news 4 伊拉克发生自杀式爆炸
suicide bombing in iraq
听力技巧 6 合理预测,事半功倍

chapter 2 财经*视点
bbc news 1 《福布斯》富豪排行榜
forbes annual rich list
bbc news 2 国际货币基金组织寻找额外资金
imf exploring extra money
bbc news 3 法国失去aaa信用等级
france lost aaa credit rating
bbc news 4 欧元区国家财政危机
financial crises affecting eurozone nations
听力技巧 7 利用规则,准确辨音

chapter 3 科技*前沿
bbc news 1 大猩猩基因图谱
genetic blueprint of gorilla
bbc news 2 英科学家称育出世界首批抗禽流感转基因鸡
british scientists say they’ve created world’s first genetically
modified chickens that don’t spread bird flu
bbc news 3 俄罗斯南极探险
russian exploration in antarctica
bbc news 4 科学家发现蝗虫大量聚集的原因
scientists find why locusts gather in vast numbers
听力技巧 8 正确书写,不留遗憾

chapter 4 文化风景线
bbc news 1 考古学家们称挖掘出伊丽莎白时期剧院遗址
archeologists say they’ve unearthed remains of elizabethan theater
bbc news 2 一位艺术史学家称在寻找达 芬奇的失传名作
an art historian says he’s on trail of a lost masterpiece by leonardo da vinci
bbc news 3 美国谴责诋毁伊斯兰的影片
the us protests against the controversial anti-islam film
bbc news 4 电影《爱》夺金棕榈奖
palme d’or awa

VOA/BBC/CNN英语新闻精听精炼-(畅销MP3原声音频) 作者简介



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