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6.1 travel consultation旅游咨询·从容寻找目标
6.2 package tour跟团旅游·结伴出行有保障
6.3 buying tickets买门票·大门向您敞开
6.4 buying souvenirs买纪念品·留下旅游回忆
6.5 taking photos拍照留念·留下珍贵影像
6.6 making friends交个陌生朋友·共度旅行时光
6.7 at the amusement park游乐园·游园嬉戏欢乐多
6.8 at the cinema电影院·欣赏国外佳片
6.9 at the museum博物馆·畅游古今中外
6.10 atthetheatre剧院·欣赏缤纷戏剧
6.11 at the music hall音乐厅·聆听天籁之音
chapter 7 shopping逛街购物:购物高手成长手册
7.1 choosing items挑选商品·精心挑仔细选
7.2 trial use试用·试试效果更放心
7.3 trying on new clothes试穿·衣服合身美翻啦
7.4 asking about the price询问价格·心仪之物问好价
7.5 bargaining讨价还价·砍价成功得实惠
7.6 paying the bill购买付款·一手交钱一手交货
7.7 packaging包装服务·礼物包装更得体
7.8 returning the goods退货·弄清退货规则
7.9 in the duty—free shop在免税店·免税购物心情好
7.10 in the supermarket超市购物·货架物品任你挑
chapter 8 atthe bank银行办事:一条一款问清楚
8.1 money exchange兑换货币·外币在手好旅行
8.2 asking for change兑换零钱·零钱办事更方便
8.3 buying traveler's checks购买旅行支票·旅行支票便利多
8.4 reporting the loss of traveler's checks旅行支票挂失·挂失补办勿心急
8.5 cashing traveler's checks旅行支票兑付·自由兑付省麻烦
8.6 telegraphic transfer电汇·安全的汇款方式
8.7 atms自动取款机·随时随地存取款
8.8 service consultions服务咨询·有问题常咨询
chapter 9 atthe post office邮局寄送:书信物品快速传
9.1 postage邮费咨询·邮寄费用问清楚
9.2 buying stamps买邮票·缤纷邮票花样多
9.3 sending letters寄信·怀旧通信表情谊
9.4 sending postcards寄明信片·千里之外传温暖
9.5 sending a package邮寄包裹·把包裹交给邮局
9.6 tracking the parcel跟踪包裹·及时掌握信息
chapter 10 emergencies紧急状况:有惊无险巧过关
10.1 losing the way迷路·陌生城市勤问路
10.2 lost friends同伴走失·寻求警察帮助
10.3 lost property遗失物品·失物招领找回来
10.4 going to the hospital生病就医·及时看病免痛苦
10.5 getting i~ured受伤急救·电话求救莫慌乱
10.6 car accidents交通事故·前因后果讲清楚
10.7 encountering gangsters路遇歹徒·报警求援保安全
chapter 11 return journey返程准备:收拾心情踏上回家路
11.1 tax refund退税·退税到手真愉快
11.2 going to the airport前往机场·算好时间别匆忙
11.3 seeing off机场送行·暂别国外朋友
11.4 at the transit hall过境转机·耐心等待巧安排
11.5 overweight luggage行李超重·合理安排巧过关
11.6 at the departure lounge候机·等待返程航班
附录 100情景口语全部学会,出国去!

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