STEP BY STEP听透VOA词汇突破-(初级)-附赠MP3光盘

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STEP BY STEP听透VOA词汇突破-(初级)-附赠MP3光盘

STEP BY STEP听透VOA词汇突破-(初级)-附赠MP3光盘


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07 pentagon braces for automatic cuts
自动减赤可能导致美国防部预算困境 / 103
08 corruption in asia slows economic growth
亚洲腐败问题拖累经济增长 / 106
09 south african labor laws are too restrictive
南非劳动法过于严格 / 110
10 pakistani voters are concerned about economy
巴基斯坦选民关注经济 / 114

chapter 4 教育之道

01 what teens in digital age consider“research”
数字时代青少年如何看待“研究” / 120
02 calling attention to the words and letters may lead to better readers
关注单词和字母可能会使儿童的阅读能力更好 / 124
03 unicef has reported good news about education in somalia
联合国儿童基金会报告索马里在教育方面的好消息 / 128
04 were the charges against aaron swartz too extreme
阿伦?斯沃茨所受指控是否过于极端 / 132
05 education in a catholic day school in washington
华盛顿一家天主教学校的教育现状 / 136
06 developing curriculum based on student writing
根据学生作品开发课程 / 140
07 an open-air exhibit grows at a museum
自然历史博物馆的户外科学展览 / 144
08 law schools in the united states focuses more on practical work
美国法学院更注重实践 / 148
09 kenya’s pledge to provide every first-year student with a laptop
肯尼亚承诺为每位一年级学生提供一台笔记本电脑 / 152
10 chinese graduates face tight job market as economy slows
中国经济放缓,毕业生就业艰难 / 156

chapter 5 娱乐天地

01 country music thrives in 2012
2012年乡村音乐欣欣向荣 / 160
02 high country music silver sky
高级乡村音乐《银色天空》 / 163
03 first lady michelle obama’s hair creating all the buzz
总统显沧桑,夫人仍闪亮 / 167
04 aaron neville my true story
阿伦?内维尔的《我的真实故事》 / 171
05 trumpet player gabriel johnson
小号手加布里埃尔?约翰逊 / 175
06 the grammy awards for the country music
本届格莱美中的乡村音乐 / 179
07 tegan and sarah heartthrob
双胞胎姐妹花的新专辑《心跳》 / 182
08 2013 grammy awards to feature new categories
2013格莱美提名新奖项 / 185

chapter 6 环境保护

01 thousands march on white house to protest climate
白宫万人游行 抗议保护环境 / 190
02 don’t let our future dry up
不要让我们的未来枯竭 / 193
03 the most unusual national parks in the united states
美国*不寻常的国家公园 / 197
04 final vote nears on conserving sharks
保护鲨鱼的*终投票临近 / 200
05 college students rescue leftover food, feed the poor
大学生拯救剩饭,救济穷人 / 203
06 will there be enough water for everyone
水,还够吗 / 206
07 restrict pesticides to save bees
限制杀虫剂以拯救蜜蜂 / 210
08 u.s.-china climate partnership
中美气候合作 / 213
09 global warming will cost us more to live
全球变暖使我们的生存面临挑战 / 216
10 the high price of an arctic ice melt
北极长年冰融化的高额代价 / 219

chapter 7 健康之路

01 lack of u.s. support for mental health care criticize
精神病医疗救助体系缺陷多多,亟须改进 / 224
02 warmer temps trigger more disease
升温引发更多疾病 / 227
03 operation walk gives needy patients new life
让你走路的手术为贫困病人带来新生 / 230
04 study finds overweight people have lower risk of death
研究发现超重者死亡风险更低 / 233
05 nigerian doctor honored for fight against river blind
尼日利亚医生因抗击河盲症获奖 / 236
06 teenage cancer researcher
小小癌症科研家 / 239
07 yoga helps mentally ill improve their lives
瑜伽帮助精神病患者改善生活 / 242
08 can folic acid prevent childhood autism
叶酸能否预防儿童自闭症 / 245

chapter 8 社会生活

01 february 13th is world radio day
2月13日世界无线电日 / 250
02 teen girls learn firefighting
少女学习消防知识 / 253
03 what is the relationship between age and happiness
年龄与幸福之间有什么联系 / 256
04 friends with benefits, in the plant world
植物界的互惠共生 / 259
05 populations around the world are growing older
世界人口老龄化 / 262
06 thanks to volunteers, elderly can age in place
多亏志愿者帮助,老年人可以在“家”养老了 / 265
07 the changing landscape of u.s. farm production
美国农场生产的变化 / 268
08 the water purification disc—“madidrop”
净水圆盘——“麦迪漏” / 271
09 u.s. finds unapproved form of wheat in oregon
美国俄勒冈州发现未经批准种植的转基因小麦 / 274

chapter 9 科技纵横

01 mobile telephones changing lives in africa
手机改变非洲人生活方式 / 280
02 now on the ipad: apps for orangutans
面向猩猩提供的平板电脑应用程序 / 283
03 u.s. takes action against cyber theft threat
美国采取行动应对网络盗窃威胁 / 286
04 new internet rules offer window into north korea
3g互联网为了解朝鲜打开一扇窗户 / 289
05 navigation app helps predict traffic conditions
可以预测交通状况的导航应用程序 / 293

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