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葛传椝英语写作 本书特色


葛传椝英语写作 内容简介

  ★ 由英语学界泰斗、英文教育界先驱、陆谷孙恩师葛传椝先生撰写。   ★ 全书以简明地道的英文写成。   ★ 指出中国英语学习者在写作中遇到的难题并一一解答。   ★ 包含摘自现代英语中的大量实例。   ★ 配以切合实际的练习题,巩固写作技巧。   ★ 对惯用法、习语和遣词造句等有关问题进行了详实阐述。

葛传椝英语写作 目录


chapter i  introduction
 1. composition and compositions
 2. purpose of this book
 3. your advantage
 4. your special difficulties
 5. rhetoric

chapter ii  mechanics of composition
 6. materials
 7. one side or two sides?
 8. margins
 9. spacing
 10. titles
 11. paging
 12. folding
 13. endorsing
 14. spelling
 15. syllabication
 16. underlining
 17. italics
 18. omissions, corrections, and insertions
 19. a warning

chapter iii  learning to write
 20. something to say
 21. how to say it
 22. a consolation
 23. others may have said it before you
 24. what to read
 25. how to read
 26. some dictionaries recommended
 27. self-cultivation
 28. writing from memory
 29. imitation, conscious and unconscious
 30. reading dictionaries
 31. expressing another person’s thoughts
 32. paraphrasing sentences
 33. suggestions for paraphrasing
 34. paraphrasing paragraphs
 35. paraphrasing verse
 36. condensing
 37. various degrees of condensation
 38. suggestions for condensing
 39. using materia1 in han
 40. expressing your own thoughts
 41. keeping a diary
 42. choosing a subject
 43. choosing a title
 44. taking notes
 45. making an outline
 46. note-taking and outline-making in the head
 47. making outlines of what you read
 48. expanding an outline
 49. practice in composition

chapter iv  writing correctly
 50. what is correct english?
 51. usage
 52. present-day usage
 53. neologisms
 54. english and american usage
 55. good usage
 56. expressions outside of good usage
 57. colloquialisms etc in written english


chapter v  writing correctly (continued)

 chapter vi  writing well

chapter vii paragraphs

chater vii forms of composition

葛传椝英语写作 作者简介



外语 英语专项训练 写作
