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英语母语者与中国英语学习者体特征理解的比较研究 本书特色

  本书是中央高校基本科研业务费项目《英语体特征理解对比研究》(项目号:13d111413)的主要研究内容。该项研究对英语母语者和中国英语学习者对于英语体特征的理解进行了实证研究。具体来讲,研究内容包括:英语母语者和中国英语学习者对于英语状态动词时与体、终结性动词时与体,以及语义特征终结性/非终结性的理解。   本书适合于从事语言学研究的专业人士,包括英语教师、研究生和英语专业的学生。

英语母语者与中国英语学习者体特征理解的比较研究 内容简介


英语母语者与中国英语学习者体特征理解的比较研究 目录

chapter one introduction
1.0 introduction
1.1 research orientation
1.2 objectives of the study
1.3 organization of the book

chapter two theories of aspect
2.0 introduction
2.1 smith's two-component theory
2.2 verkuyl's theory of aspect
2.3 de swart's framework
2.4 prototype theory
2.5 summary

chapter three aspectual marking in english and chinese
3.0 introduction
3.1 tense
3.2 aspect
3.2.1 definition of aspect
3.2.2 categories of aspect
3.2.3 semantic meaning expressed by the interaction between tenseand grammatical aspect
3.2.4 syntactic elements contributing to the sententialaspect
3.3 aspect in english
3.4 aspect in chinese
3.4.1 grammatical aspect
3.4.2 interaction between grammatical aspect and lexicalaspect
3.4.3 special features of chinese aspectual system
3.5 differences and similarities between the aspectual marking inenglish and chinese
3.6 summary

chapter four previous studies on the comprehension ofaspect
4.0 introduction
4.1 studies on the comprehension of the semantic meaning ofgrammatical aspect
4.2 studies on the comprehension of lexical aspect
4.3 studies on the comprehension of grammatical aspect and lexicalaspect
4.4 issues awaiting further exploration in the field ofaspect
4.5 summary

chapter five methodology
5.0 introduction
5.1 participants
5.2 test instrument
5.2.1 rationale for the design of the test instrument
5.2.2 sentence interpretation test
5.2.3 sentence preference test
5.3 data collection
5.4 summary

chapter six comprehension of the tense and aspect of stativeverbs
6.0 introduction
6.1 research questions and hypotheses
6.2 data treatment
6.3 results
6.3.1 sentence interpretation test
6.3.2 sentence preference test
6.4 discussion
6.5 summary

chapter seven comprehension of the tense and aspect of telicverbs ...
7.0 introduction
7.1 research questions and hypotheses
7.2 data treatment
7.3 results
7.3.1 accomplishments
7.3.2 achievements
7.4 discussion
7.5 summary

chapter eight comprehension of the semantic feature oftelicity/atelicity
8.0 introduction
8.1 research questions and hypotheses
8.2 data treatment
8.3 results
8.4 discussion
8.5 summary

chapter nine conclusion
9.0 introduction
9.1 maior findings
9.1.1 results concerning stative verbs
9.1.2 results concerning telic verbs
9.1.3 results concerning verb+directobject/preposition/(no)particle
9.2 implications of the study
9.2.1 theoretical implications
9.2.2 methodological implications
9.2.3 pedagogical implications
9.3 limitations of the present study
9.4 suggestions for further research

appendix a sentence interpretation test
appendix b sentence preference test

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