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中级口语教程(第四版) 本书特色


中级口语教程(第四版) 目录

unit 1 campus life
section a the core text: college life vs high school life
section b sample dialogues
1. a university degree
2. busy school life
section c passages for reading and group discussion
1. on-campus and off-campus living
2. getting along with your roommates
3. manage your stress
section d oral practice
ⅰ. sample speech: a briefing to freshmen
ⅱ. news reports and discussion
1. draft moots cut in homework
2. why does our top talent stay overseas?
3. china needs students with a global outlook
ⅲ. oral talk
1. do you think the main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than do research?
2. tight job market
3. should science students learn humanities?
unit 2 presentation
unit 3 be creative
unit 4 urbanization
unit 5 tourism
unit 6 aging society
unit 7 low-carbon society
unit 8 china dream
unit 9 environment
unit 10 job market
unit 11 culture awareness
unit 12 sports and games
unit 13 harmony
unit 14 foreign affairs
unit 15 science and technology
unit 16 business

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