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英语国际音标从入门到精通-(附光盘)作者:优尼创新外语研发中心 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787115358752 定价:39.8 出版时间:2014-08-01 出版社:人民邮电出版社 |
教育孩子educating the children
讨论搬家talking about moving
看房子seeing the apartment
入住旅馆checking in
享受旅馆服务enjoying hotel service
需要换房changing rooms
结账退房checking out
接打电话making calls
接听电话receiving calls
接听电话answering the calls
信号不好bad signal
挂断电话hanging up
要求回电asking someone to call back
学校生活school life
学习课程learning curriculum
课外生活life after class
参加社团活动joining the clubs
关于考试about the exams
关于奖学金about scholarship
毕业之际before graduation
求职面试job application and interview
加班和迟到working overtime and being late
调班和请假shift and asking for leave
谈论工作压力talking about work pressure
升职加薪promotion and salary raise
解雇辞职laying off and resigning
生病就医being sick and seeing the doctor
去看医生going to see the doctor
到医院就诊going to the hospital
接受手术accepting an operation
办理出院手续checking out of the hospital
问路asking for directions
乘坐公交车by bus
乘坐出租车by taxi
乘坐火车by train
乘坐地铁by subway
购物美容shopping and beauty
在服装店at the clothes store
在化妆品店at the cosmetics store
在珠宝店at the jewelry store
包装要求packaging requirements
讨价还价bargaining about the price
退换物品returning and changing items
在美容院at the beauty salon
日常交际daily communication
见面问候meetings and greetings
结交新朋友knowing new friends
与老朋友重逢reunion with old friends
认识邻居knowing the neighbors
结束谈话ending a conversation
享受公共服务enjoying public service
在邮局at the post office
在银行at the bank
在警察局at the police station
在理发店at the barber's shop
在洗衣房at the laundry room
准备饭菜preparing meals
享用美食enjoying delicious food
在餐馆at the restaurant
退换饭菜exchanging dishes
感情生活emotional life
约会交往starting to date
争吵分手arguing and breaking up
求婚和结婚proposal and getting married
婚后生活life after marriage
态度心情attitude and mood
关心与冷漠care and indifference
鼓励与支持encouragement and support
提醒与责怪reminding and blaming
高兴与难过happy and sad
后悔与害怕regretful and scared
英语国际音标从入门到精通-(附光盘) 相关资料

外语 口语、生活实用英语 英语发音
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