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unit 6/a white horsehair wig in court英国法官白色马尾假发


unit 7/freshers week in uk英国大学新生周

unit 8/happy fourth of july!美国,生日快乐!

unit 9/american superstitions美国迷信

unit 10/customer service美式顾客服务

unit 11/raising children in america育儿在美国

unit 12/venetian vacation威尼斯之旅

unit 13/do as the romans did?巨蛋始祖:罗马竞技场

unit 14/bhutan: hidden lands of


unit 15/a little country with pretty小国家,大美丽

unit 16/neanderthals were


unit 17/chinese etiquette中国礼节

unit 18/how neanderthals fought


unit 19/dont be an april fool!整人有理,只在愚人节!

unit 20/what is christmas about?圣诞节的那些事?

unit 21/the origin of christmas圣诞起源

unit 22/father’s day父亲节的来历

unit 23/greek island shows signs

of volcanic unrest希腊岛屿显示火山


unit 24/gentle butterfly battle绅士的蝴蝶

part four涓涓真情

unit 1/please do not snuff out

the candle别让蜡烛熄灭

unit 2/juliette drouet to victor hugo朱丽叶德鲁埃致


unit 3/the nails and the fence钉子和篱笆

unit 4/george washington to his wife华盛顿致妻子的信

unit 5/shelley to elizabeth hitchhiker雪莱致伊丽莎白西琴勒

unit 6/napoleon to josephine拿破仑致约瑟芬

unit 7/wise enough to see the little

surprise in life瞬间之美

unit 8/children’s presents孩子的礼物

unit 9/give but do not expect in love真爱,零期待

unit 10/bettine brentano to goethe贝停布伦塔诺致歌德

unit 11/a box full of kisses装满吻的匣子

unit 12/wild flowers野花:不要等太久错过机会

unit 13/back home回家

unit 14/roses for rose来自天堂的玫瑰

unit 15/the value of mother’s love母爱的价值

unit 16/the color of love爱到*高点,心中国界

unit 17/world of smiles充满微笑的世界

unit 18/its just where i am让爱停留

unit 19/love is everything有爱就有了一切

unit 20/running in the rain雨中奔跑

unit 21/one girl changed my life一位女孩改变了我的生活

unit 22/a woman’s tears柔弱的眼泪,坚强的心

unit 23/send the peace of goodness

to others向他人传递和平的“波纹”

unit 24/you can’t be replaced今生只有你不可取代

part five灵智心语

unit 1/the art of forgiveness宽恕的艺术

unit 2/i want! i do! i get!我想!我做!我得到!

unit 3/on motes and beams微尘与栋梁

unit 4/persistence pays苦尽甘来

unit 5/just for today就为了今天

unit 6/if i had my life to live over...如果有来生

unit 7/the road of life生活之路

unit 8/get a thorough understanding

of oneself要悟透自己 就是正确认识自己

unit 9/people in your life你生活中的人们

unit 10/no pain no success不经历风雨怎么见彩虹

unit 11/the love of beauty爱美

unit 12/it matters to this one对这只来说有意义

unit 13/catch the star that will

take you to your dreams追随你的梦想

unit 14/autumn—the harvest season秋天——收获的季节

unit 15/youth青春

unit 16/you have only one life生命只有一次

unit 17/ambition抱负

unit 18/there is one day有那么一天

unit 19/excuse借口

unit 20/if i were a boy again假如我又回到了童年

unit 21/my love我的爱

unit 22/what will matter?何为重要?

unit 23/future can be anything将来一切皆有可能

unit 24/wisdom in lose and get运用智慧 适时舍得

unit 25/random thoughts on

the window窗

unit 26/never give up永不放弃

unit 27/enjoy loneliness享受孤独

unit 28/home on the way旅人的家

unit 29/air and opportunity机会如空气,请善待机会

unit 30/love your life热爱生活

unit 31/what i have lived for我为何而生

unit 32/companionship of books以书为伴

unit 33/have faith, and expect

the best心怀信念,并追求完美

unit 34/try to enjoy every moment

of your life享受世间苦乐悲喜

unit 35/it all depends on what

youre listening for你能听到什么取决于


unit 36/the secret to success成功需要一点儿失败

unit 37/who you met in the those

beautiful moments在人生*美的时候你


unit 38/lifes a cafeteria生活就像自助餐

unit 39/hope is right there above

your head抬起头来,希望就在眼前

unit 40/gifts from the heart来自内心的礼物

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