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旅游英语 本书特色


旅游英语 目录

unit 1 traveling plan旅行计划
situational conversation 情景对话
section a consulting the travel agency咨询旅行社
1. dialogue 1
2. dialogue 2
3. dialogue 3
section b applying a visa办理签证
4. dialogue 1
5. dialogue 2
6. dialogue 3
section c booking airline tickets预定机票
7. dialogue 1
8. dialogue 2
9. dialogue 3
section d changing foreign currency兑换外币
10. dialogue 1
11. dialogue 2
12. dialogue 3
practical expressions实用表达
unit test
part 1  vocabulary
part 2 translation practice
part 3  reading  comprehension
part 4 cloze
culture notes 
unit 2 departure旅行出发
situational conversation 情景对话
section a  at the airport在机场
13. dialogue 1
14. dialogue 2
15. dialogue 3
section b  on the plane在飞机上
16. dialogue 1
17. dialogue 2
18. dialogue 3
section c  going through customs海关通行
19. dialogue 1
20. dialogue 2
21. dialogue 3
 practical expressions实用表达
unit test
part 1  vocabulary
part 2 translation practice
part 3  reading  comprehension
culture notes 
unit 3 accommodation旅行住宿
situational conversation 情景对话
section a room reservation预定房间
22. dialogue 1
23. dialogue 2
24. dialogue 3
section b checking in登记入住
25. dialogue 1
26. dialogue 2
27. dialogue 3
section c checking out结账退房
28. dialogue 1
29. dialogue 2
30. dialogue 3
practical expressions实用表达
unit test
part 1 vocabulary
part 2 translation practice
part 3 reading comprehension
part 4 cloze
culture notes 
unit 4 sightseeing 旅游观光
situational conversation 情景对话
section a traveling by bus巴士旅游
31. dialogue 1
32. dialogue 2
33. dialogue 3
section b taking a taxi 搭计程车车旅游
34. dialogue 1
35. dialogue 2
36. dialogue 3
section c train and subway乘火车与地铁旅游
37. dialogue 1
38. dialogue 2
39. dialogue 3
 practical expressions实用表达
unit test
part 1 vocabulary
part 2 translation practice
part 3 reading comprehension
part 4 cloze
culture notes 
unit 5 shopping旅行购物
situational conversation 情景对话
section a buying souvenir购买纪念品
40. dialogue 1
41. dialogue 2
42. dialogue 3
section b ready to pay结账付款
43. dialogue 1
44. dialogue 2
45. dialogue 3
section c refund and exchange退货换货
46. dialogue 1
47. dialogue 2
48. dialogue 3
 practical expressions实用表达
unit test
part 1 vocabulary
part 2 translation practice
part 3 reading comprehension
part 4 cloze

unit 6 asking for help寻求帮助
situational conversation 情景对话
section a  asking the way问路
49. dialogue 1
50. dialogue 2
51. dialogue 3
section b bank services 银行服务
52. dialogue 1
53. dialogue 2
54. dialogue 3
section c making a phone call 打电话
55. dialogue 1
56. dialogue 2
57. dialogue 3
practical expressions实用表达
unit test
part 1 vocabulary
part 2 translation practice
part 3 reading comprehension
part 4 cloze
keys to the exercises习题答案
equivalent chinese dialogue对话参考译文


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外语 行业英语 餐饮旅游业英语


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