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021 claim for compensation 索赔 220
022 acceptance of claims 接受索赔 221
023 asking for sole agency 请求担任独家代理 222
024 refusing the request for a sole agency
拒绝担任独家代理 223
025 thanking customers 感谢客户 224
026 congratulations on starting business 恭贺开业 225
027 thanks for recommendation 感谢推荐 226
028 talent recommendation 人才推荐 227
029 thanks for hospitality 感谢盛情款待 228
030 relationship between introducing 关系引介 229
031 party invitations 聚会邀请 230
032 reply to invitation 回复邀请 231
033 violation of the contract 违反合约 232
034 welcome customers to visit 欢迎客户来访 233
035 inviting to trade fair 邀请参加商展 234
036 condolence 吊唁 235
037 reply to condolence 吊唁回复 236
chapter2 商务函电
038 the components of business correspondence
商务函电的构成要素 238
039 job application 申请职位 240
040 application interview 面试邀请 241
041 applying for secretary 应聘秘书 242
042 welfare expectations 福利要求 243
043 acceptance notification 录用通知 244
044 refusing to accept the offer 拒绝接受录用 245
045 applying for a transfer department 申请调换部门 246
046 reposting 新任命 247
047 promotion 晋升 248
048 application for resignation 辞职申请 249
049 retiring staff 辞退员工 250
050 conveying good news 传达好消息 251
051 releasing the bad news 发布坏消息 252
052 holiday notice 放假通知 253
053 offering a proposal 提出建议 254
054 giving opinions 给出演讲意见 255
055 thanks for giving advice 感谢给出建议 256
056 putting forward to praise 提出表扬 257
057 award 给予奖励 258
058 criticism & censure 批评指责 259
059 notice of meeting 开会通知 260
060 altering office hours 更改上班时间 261
061 training program 培训计划 262
062 congratulation on further studies 恭贺升学 263
063 congratulation on festival 节日祝贺 264
064 housewarming 乔迁之喜 265
065 congratulation on newly-married 新婚道贺 266
066 congratulation on promotion 升迁道贺 267
067 personal leave 请事假 268
068 asking for sick leave 请病假 269
069 department removal 公司部门搬迁 270
070 sympathy 表示慰问 271
071 replying 慰问回复 272
chapter3 商务合同
072 elements of the business ontract and classification
商务合同的构成要素与分类 274
073 agency contract 代理合同 278
074 joint venture contract 合资经营合同 281
075 distribution agreement 经销合同 285
076 sales contract 销售合同 289
077 subscription agreement 认购协议 292
078 confidentiality agreement 保密协议 295
079 compensation trade contract 补偿贸易合同 301
080 lease contract 房屋租赁合同 307
081 share exchange agreement 股权转让协议 314
082 agreement for the transfer of shares
股权转让协议 334
083 employment contract 雇佣合同 341
084 international trade contract 国际贸易买卖合同 346
085 import contract 进口合同 355
086 export contract 出口合同 361
087 purchase confirmation 购货确认书 366
088 sales confirmation 售货确认书 370
附 录
089 外贸常见缩略词 377
090 商务英语常见术语 380

商务英语实用大全 作者简介



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