轻松学英语短语动词 上-画里画外

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轻松学英语短语动词 上-画里画外

轻松学英语短语动词 上-画里画外


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轻松学英语短语动词 上-画里画外 本书特色

fool around 是什么意思?agree on 和 agree with 都表示“同意”,用法有什么不同?“不同意”又该怎么表达?meet up 是否及物? 快来《画里画外,轻松学英语短语动词(上)》寻找答案吧!通过60个单元的漫画故事,轻松学习高频常用英语短语动词。书中左页提供讲解和例句,并提示易混淆处;右页是简短而风趣的漫画故事,形象展示短语动词的用法。另有15 篇阅读短文,用以巩固记忆。画里画外,轻松学习常用短语动词。

轻松学英语短语动词 上-画里画外 内容简介

  · 画里画外都是知识,英语学习惬意轻松!   · “画里画外”系列采用左页知识讲解、右页四格漫画的形式,知识讲解简练易懂,四格漫画轻松幽默。   · 知识讲解不拘泥于刻板形式,以易于读者理解的形式娓娓道来,阅读与学习无负担,日积月累、潜移默化就积累了满满的新知识。   · 为配合精美的漫画,全书采用彩色印刷,力求漫画故事引人入胜,鼓励读者多从漫画故事中体会语言在实际生活中的运用,将知识转化为能力。   · 本系列作者均为英国资深教师和教材编写者,保证了例句和故事语言的准确和实用。   · “画里画外”创造了地道、轻松的语言环境,让学习者在语法、词汇、口语表达等方面得到整体提升。看四格漫画,学地道英语!

轻松学英语短语动词 上-画里画外 目录

1 小偷小心!
go out, break in, set off, run away
2 着火了!
fool around, blaze up, call out
3 没买票坐不了车
put out, get on, get out, get off
4 小心看路
walk along, trip over, fall down, help up
5 大清早
get into, go off, look at, get up
6 远足 (1)
lag behind, hurry up, keep up with, go on
7 远足 (2)
leave behind, set off, stay behind, winch up
8 坐飞机太慢
check in, go through, wait around, take off
9 倒下,记下,找到
knock down, note down, track down
10 爱炫耀,掉下来,笑一笑
show off, fall off, laugh off, put off
11 天气预报
look ahead, cloud over, pour down, brighten up
12 日出日落
come up, go in, come out, go down
13 辩论气候变化 (1)
go on, warm up, dry up, die out
14 辩论气候变化 (2)
disagree with, cool down, freeze over, wipe out
15 辩论气候变化 (3)
put forward, think about, weigh up, depend on
16 辩论气候变化 (4)
deal with, agree with, win over, face up to
17 名人驾临
pull up, crowd around, get out of, meet up with
18 时装表演
walk up and down, put on, have on, dress up
19 珍妮拍广告
dress in, wrap up, strip off, lounge around
20 小狗 big ben 照顾“家人”(1)
look after, set off for, run after, help out
21 小狗 big ben 照顾“家人”(2)
take out, eat up, watch over
22 忙碌的莉齐
let up, keep at it, rush around, tire out
23 懒惰的苏珊
chill out, nod off, laze around, wait on
24 莉莉上班去
get in, tidy up, sit down, get down to
25 莉莉使用电脑 (1)
switch on, boot up, type in, log on
26 莉莉使用电脑 (2)
click on, come up, scroll down, leave off
27 莉莉使用电脑 (3)
work on, print out, check over
28 莉莉使用电脑 (4)
close down, log off, switch off, finish with
29 拉里尝试写信
write down, cross out, screw up, throw away
30 拉里再尝试一次
think of, smooth out, copy out, fold up
31 邮差开玩笑
look out for, come down, walk on, turn round
32 虎皮鹦鹉是怎样溜走的?(1)
look for, listen out for, look up
33 虎皮鹦鹉是怎样溜走的?(2)
get down, put back, let out, own up
34 寻宝 (1)
come across, open out, look like, stand for
35 寻宝 (2)
hunt for, get together, pace out
36 寻宝 (3)
call out, scrape away, dig out, prise off
37 寻宝 (4)
cram with, give away, date back to, hand over
38 自行车比赛
catch up with, get past, draw ahead of, fall behind
39 回头,转身,归还
look back, turn back, keep back, give back
40 露西的旧裙子
grow out of, get on, do up, take off
41 露西的新裙子
try on, pile up, take in, grow into
42 快些和慢些
drive along, speed up, slow down, hold up
43 一家人长得很像
take after, look like, pass on
44 家庭生活
consist of, make up, be related to, get together

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