
首页 > 图书 > 教育类图书/2020-06-15 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]



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passage 8  the cheapest way to diet? *廉价的减肥方式? ………………………148
passage 9  balling up your right hand tightly helps memory 紧握右拳有助于记忆………………………………………………………………………………154
passage 10 women make better business decisions than men 女性比男性更善 于做商业决策 ……………………………………………………………160
passage 11 night owls are linked to high income earners 夜猫子收入更高 ………………………………………………………………166
passage 12 the odds in a coin flip aren't quite 50/50 抛硬币的几率并非 50/50………………………………………………………………………172
passage 13 heating pad or ice pack? 热敷还是冷敷? ……………………………178
passage 14 ibm says computers will see, taste, smell, touch and hear things better in the future ibm 预测未来计算机将具备五感 ………………184
passage 15 6 ways to prevent your budget from failing 防止预算失败的六个妙招………………………………………………………………………………190
passage 16 you are what you wear 衣如其人 ……………………………………197
passage 17 one in ten pins can be correctly guessed first time 1/10的密码猜 一次即可破解 ……………………………………………………………203
passage 18 bilinguals have faster brains when they get older 双语者年老后大 脑反应速度更快 …………………………………………………………210
passage 19 the psychology of discounting 打折心理学 …………………………216
passage 20 love, korean-style 韩式爱情 …………………………………………222
passage 21 google glass raises privacy concerns 谷歌眼镜引发隐私担忧 ……228
passage 22 more young adults live with parents 越来越多的年轻人与父母同住………………………………………………………………………………234
passage 23 slow travel, cheap travel 慢游加穷游 ………………………………240
passage 24 does listening to music while working make you less productive? 边听音乐边工作会影响工作效率吗? …………………………………246
chapter 3 实践篇
passage 1  rise in childhood obesity is slowing worldwide 全球儿童肥胖症增速趋缓 ………………………………………………………………………253
passage 2  mini-bibliography for audrey hepburn 奥黛丽·赫本小传 ……………262
passage 3  wedding of modern brides 现代新娘的婚礼 …………………………270
passage 4  a word for autumn 秋日小语 …………………………………………279
passage 5  romance of paris fades for chinese tourists targeted by thieves 中国游客成小偷目标,巴黎浪漫黯然失色 ……………………………288
passage 6  in china, losing sleep over choice of schools 中国:择校令人彻夜难眠………………………………………………………………………………297
passage 7  stray birds 飞鸟集 ………………………………………………………307
passage 8  sorry, but do you speak english? 对不起,你说的是英语吗? ……315
passage 9  fit-lifters in bricks-and-mortar shops 实体店里的试衣族 …………324
passage 10 choice blindness 选择的盲目性 ………………………………………332
passage 11 home vs. office: where should you work? 工作场所之争:回家还是 坐班? ………………………………………………………………………341
passage 12 things 20-year-olds don't get 20来岁的年轻人还没明白的事 ……350
passage 13 why you should read every day? 为何要每日读书? ………………359
passage 14 rubber-band creates millionaire 橡皮筋造就百万富翁 ………………369
passage 15 do we still need the telephone? 我们还需要电话吗? ………………378
passage 16 is it better to rent or to buy? 买房划算还是租房划算? ……………387
passage 17 smartphones in china:taking a bite out of apple 咬了苹果一口的中国智能手机 …………………………………………………………………396
passage 18 why is starbucks so expensive in china? 星巴克咖啡在中国为何如此昂贵? ……………………………………………………………………405
passage 19 a two-wheel tour through big apple 大苹果骑行记 ………………414
passage 20 why pay for a degree to learn a foreign language? 为外语学位教育 花钱值得吗? ……………………………………………………………423
passage 21 young chinese shunning factory jobs 中国的年轻人不愿在工厂工作………………………………………………………………………………432
passage 22 speech at the graveside of karl marx 在马克思墓前的讲话 ………441
passage 23 mother 母亲 ………………………………………………………………450
passage 24 america unconquerable 北美是不可征服的 …………………………459
附 录 文章中文翻译 ……………………………………………………………467

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