跨文化交际:东西方对话:east and west
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跨文化交际:东西方对话:east and west作者:Bates Hoffer[等编] 开 本:24cm 书号ISBN:9787544634830 定价:70.0 出版时间:2014-04-01 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 |
27.intercultural dialogicality between lcl and lc2 in the efl/esl classroom
28.covert culture in the foreign language classroom:confronting contrast in target and base mindsets
29.an analysis of language use and topic management in business decision-making meeting
30.do they tell stories differently?:discourse marker use by chinese native speakers and nonnative speakers
31.intercultural communication education and foreign language
education:shared precedents,procedures,and prospects

外语 英语学术著作
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