
首页 > 图书 > 教育类图书/2020-06-15 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]



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chapter iii  of the accumulation of capital,
or of productive and unproductive labour 360
第四章  论获取利息的贷出资产/
chapter iv  of stock lent at interest 383
第五章  论资本的不同用途/
chapter v  of the different employment
of capitals 394
第三篇  论各国财富增长的不同途径/
book iii  of the different progress of 
opulence in different nations 413
**章  论财富的自然增长/chapter i  of the natural
progress of opulence 415
第二章  论罗马帝国灭亡后欧洲旧状态下农业的抑制/
chapter ii  of the discouragement of agriculture
in the ancient state of europe after the fall of the
roman empire 422
第三章  论罗马帝国灭亡后城市的兴起和发展/
chapter iii  of the rise and progress of cities
and towns, after the fall of the roman empire 435
第四章  城市商业是如何对乡村改革做出贡献的/
chapter iv  how the commerce of the towns
contributed to the improvement of the country 447
下    册
第四篇  论政治经济学体系/book iv  of systems of
political economy 463
引言/introduction 465
**章  论商业主义或重商主义的原理/
chapter i  of the principle of the commercial, or
mercantile system 466
第二章  论限制从国外进口国内能生产的商品/
chapter ii  of restraints upon the importation from
foreign countries of such goods as can be
produced at home 494
第三章  论对其贸易差额被认为不利于我国的那些国家的
chapter iii  of the extraordinary restraints upon the
importation of goods of almost all kinds, from those
countries with which the balance is supposed to
be disadvantageous 518
第四章  论退税/chapter iv  of drawbacks 549
第五章  论奖金/chapter v  of bounties 556
第六章  论通商条约/chapter vi  of treaties of
commerce 602
第七章  论殖民地/chapter vii  of colonies 616
第八章  关于对重商主义论述的结论/
chapter viii  conclusion of the mercantile
system 713
第九章  论重农主义,或论把土地产物看做是各国收
chapter ix  of the agricultural systems, or of
those systems of political economy, which represent
the produce of land as either the sole or the
principal source of the revenue and wealth of
every country 738
第五篇  论君主或国家的收入/book v  of the revenue
of the sovereign or commonwealth 769
**章  论君主或国家的开支/chapter i  of the expenses
of the sovereign or commonwealth 771
第二章  论社会的一般收入或公共收入的来源/
chapter ii  of the sources of the general or public
revenue of the society 909
第三章  论公债/chapter iii  of public debts 1015
附录/appendix 1063


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