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汉语散文英译选读 本书特色


汉语散文英译选读 目录

爱美(袁昌英) my love for beauty 趵突泉的欣赏(老舍) admiration of baotu spring 长城脚下的守望者——张鹤珊(张璐) the watchman on the great wall 初恋(周作人) first love 吹牛的妙用(庐隐) the magical effects of boasting 春底林野(许地山) spring peach woods 匆匆(朱自清) days gone by 儿时(瞿秋白) childhood 翡冷翠山居闲话(徐志摩) idle talk about life in the mountains of florence 风筝(鲁迅) the kite 《告别过去》序(贾平凹) preface 海燕(郑振铎) swallows 红海上的一幕(孙福熙) a spectacle over the red sea 花床(缪崇群) a flower bed 家(方令孺) home 今(李大钊) the living present 泪与笑(梁遇春) tears and laughter 荔枝蜜(杨朔) litchi honey 鲁迅先生记(萧红) a few memories of mr.lu xun 落花生(许地山) peanuts 绿(朱自清) green 绿河行(靳以) travelling along the green river 玫瑰的刺(庐隐) thoms on the rosebush “内圣外王”之道(汤一介) the dao of sageness within and kingliness without 憔悴的弦声(叶灵凤) the weary sound of the fiddle 清贫(方志敏) honest poverty 秋夜(鲁迅) autumn night 囚绿记(陆蠡) greenery imprisoned 山水(李广田) mountains and water 什么事不可能(邹韬奋) nothing is impossible to a willing mind 生命的三分之一(邓拓) one third of our lifetime 失衡的代价(林巍) the price we have to pay for imbalanced development 诗人(高长虹) the poet 石榴花(周领顺) pomegranate flowers 书(朱湘) books 谈结婚(郁达夫) a chat about marriage 桃花源里的人家——徽州印象(华莎) huizhou:a shangri—la in china 我的书斋生活(邵洵美) my private library 我对于运动会的感想(胡适) reflections on the sports meet 我写小说的道路(张恨水) how i started my career as a novelist 浯溪胜迹(叶紫) sceruc spots at wuxi brook 下雪的季节(周领顺) snowy days 香山红叶(杨朔) the red leaves on the fragrant hill 小麻雀(老舍) a young sparrow 宴之趣(郑振铎) the pleasures of food and wine “以民为本”之我见(汤一介) on the "people—oriented thought" 鹰之歌(丽尼) the song of an eagle 与名人通信(高鲁生) my correspondence with celebrities

汉语散文英译选读 作者简介



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