FRAGMENT OF A MEMORY FROM 1970-一九七O年的记忆片断-(英文)
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FRAGMENT OF A MEMORY FROM 1970-一九七O年的记忆片断-(英文)作者:李敬泽 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787119093147 定价:118.0 出版时间:2015-01-01 出版社:外文出版社 |
FRAGMENT OF A MEMORY FROM 1970-一九七O年的记忆片断-(英文) 本书特色
FRAGMENT OF A MEMORY FROM 1970-一九七O年的记忆片断-(英文) 目录
lei pingyang
collectivist insect calls;
keeping a cat;
going home for a funeral;
the myna bird
asks a question;
prayer-poem on mt.jinuo;
white herons
bloodsucking rapture;
li hong’s kiss;
a wolf?in sheep’s clothing?
travelsun lei
yu xiang
sunlight shines where it’s needed;
my house;
a gust of wind;
low key;
it goes without
holy front;street
wong leung wo
at midnight;
i see your shoes in the bathroom;
this is the last day;
i thought we wouldn't
the storyofsanta
xi chuan
the body and history;
ill fortune h 0032 5;
looking at the mural in the rui—cheng
temple of eternal joy;
zhai yongming
in ancient times;
the chrysanthemum
lantern is floating over;
in springtime;
letters from a past dynasty;
the submarine’s lament
han dong
someone in a riot of stones;
there is a darkness;
mountain people;
of the wild goose pagoda;
a phone call from dalian;
gregorian chant;night flight
shen wei
tuyugou village;
a region;
three women collectingtrash;
city of mixed blood
chun sue
last night i dreamt about gouzi;
the queen of singing ktv;
l am just agirl;
taking off again
yu jian
elephant,hometown,executing saddam,incident:wind,the road i chose…still
led to sunset and the trees,terrorists,unspeakable fear and longing
FRAGMENT OF A MEMORY FROM 1970-一九七O年的记忆片断-(英文) 作者简介
一九六四年生于天津,祖籍山西。少时随父母移居保定、石家庄,一九八○年考入北京大学中文系。一九八四年毕业后在《小说选刊》杂志工作,一九九。年调至《人民文学》杂志,现为《人民文学》副主编。 二○○○年获首届中华文学基金会冯牧文学奖青年批评家奖。二○○四年获华语传媒文学大奖文学评论家奖。 施战军 文学博士,现为中国作家协会鲁迅文学院副院长。中国小说学会常务理事,山东省中国当代文学研究会副会长兼秘书长。 1988年至1992年任教于四平师院(现吉林师大)中文系,1994年年底以后任教于山东大学文学院,2007年9月以来在北京大学中文系博士后流动站从事中国现当代文学研究。出版有个人专著《世纪末夜晚的手写》《碎时光》《爱与痛惜》等。主编出版大型文学丛书《新活力作家文丛》4辑18卷,与孔范今、雷达、吴义勤共同担任总主编的《中国新时期文学研究资料汇编》已出版甲乙两种计18卷24本。 其成果曾获中国文联理论批评奖、中国当代文学研究会优秀成果奖、刘勰文艺评论奖、齐鲁文学奖、山东省图书奖、《当代作家评论》奖等。被《人民文学》和《南方文坛》主办的第六届“中国青年作家批评家论坛”推选为“2007年度青年批评家”;2007年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。
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