4 Plus-新托福口语真经

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4 Plus-新托福口语真经

4 Plus-新托福口语真经


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food ……………..…………………………..……63

playing sports ……………..………………………64

integrated task

library expansion ……………..………………………………66

biology: rainforest plant adaptations ……………..…………68

joining a project ……………..…………………………………70

psychology: childhood play ……………..……………………72

actual test 06

independent task

clothes shopping ……………..……………………….……75

reading the newspaper ……………..………………………76

integrated task

posters around campus ……………..………………….………78

business: target marketing ……………..………………………80

a problem with a roommate ……………..……….……………82

biology: group feeding ……………..…………………..………84

actual test 07

independent task

good schools ……………..…………………………………………87

the best teachers for children ……………..………………………88

integrated task

no more student-advisor meetings ……………..…………………90

psychology: emotional intelligence ……………..…………………92

a new schedule at work ……………..……………………….……94

botany: plant root systems ……………..…………………………96

actual test 08

independent task

nervousness ……………..………………………………….………99

money for household chores ……………..………………………100

integrated task

free airport bus ……………..……………………..……………102

biology: vertical migration ……………..………………………104

registering for a course ……………..……………….…………106

biology: adaptations to arctic conditions ………………..……108

actual test 09

independent task

time off from school ……………..………………………111

easy or difficult classes ……………..………………………112

integrated task

no exercising on the commons ……………..………………………114

economics: pricing techniques ……………..………………………116

moving to a new dormitory ……………..………………………118

business: business financial setbacks ……………..………………………120

actual test 10

independent task

interesting news ……………..……………………… 123

traveling ……………..……………………… 124

integrated task

changing fall orientation ……………..……………………… 126

biology: mutualism ……………..……………………… 128

going to a concert ……………..……………………… 130

biology: bird eye positions ……………..……………………… 132

actual test 11

independent task

healthy children ……………..……………………… 135

new or old buildings……………..……………………… 136

integrated task

borrowing art books ……………..……………………… 138

sociology: technical incapacity ……………..……………………… 140

choosing a job ……………..……………………… 142

ecology: wetland animals ……………..……………………… 144

actual test 12

independent task

the most important item ……………..……………………… 147

learning about one’s ancestors ……………..……………………… 148

integrated task

computer laboratory fee ……………..……………………… 150

business: sensory marketing ……………..……………………… 152

going home for the holidays or not ……………..……………………… 154

biology: mutualism ……………..……………………… 156

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