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外汇英语 本书特色


外汇英语 目录

1 summanzation of foreign exchange
 unit one foreign exchange
 unit two exchange rate
 unit three main exchange rate theories
2 foreign exchange transaction
 unit one spot transaction
 unit two forward transaction
 unit three arbitrage transaction
 unit four futures transaction
 unit five option transaction
 unit six interchange transaction
3 chinese foreign exchange market
 unit one current situation of the chinese foreign exchange market
 unit two chinese foreign exchange market supervision
 unit three chinese foreign exchange market refonns
4 exchange rate forecast
 unit one the exchange rate system essentials of exchange rate forecasting
 unit two exchange rate forecasting
5 foreign exchange regulations
 unit one foreign exchange regulation content
 unit two convertibility
 unit three chinese foreign exchange rate management
 unit four intemational exchange rate supervision
6 exchange rate system
 unit one exchange rate system classification
 unit two exchange rate systems and policies
 unit three rmb exchange rate system
 unit four dollarization exchange rate system
7 exchange rate change
 unit one impact of exchange rate devaluation
 unit two effect of exchange rate appreciation
8 foreign exchange risk
 unit one foreign exchange risk types
 unit two foreign exchange risk management of enterprises
 unit three foreign exchange risk management of banks
9 exercises
 unit one definitions
 unit two trueor false
 unit three choices
 unit four filling in the blanks
 unit five brief answers
 unit six calculations
references 外汇英语

外语 行业英语 外贸英语


上一篇:雅思词汇     下一篇:西班牙语经贸应用文-(第二版)