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中国当代社会与文化英文教程-(第二版) 本书特色

《中国当代社会与文化英文教程》是高等院校文化素质类通识课教材,旨在通过对中国当代社会文化诸方面的学习以及相关英语表达方式的训练,使学生了解今日中国风采和中华民族风貌,并能以规范、流畅的表达方式对外介绍、弘扬中华文化,让世界了解今日中国。   《中国当代社会与文化英文教程(第二版)》融知识性和趣味性于一体,图文并茂地提供了一种展现今日中国风采的视觉方式。在讲授过程中,充分利用电子教程的资源优势,根据所授内容插入相应图片和简短音视频资料,以凸显重要的主题,使课程内容生动、直观,符合90后大学生的认知心理。   全书共10个单元,每单元分为两部分,通过听说读写等多种训练方式帮助学生了解并能够用英语介绍中华文化。sectiona通过阅读和写作的训练方式使学生掌握如何介绍中国当代社会与文化的方方面面。sectionb以听说训练的方式提高学生的英语口头表达能力和跨文化交际能力。   向授课教师赠送电子课件。  

中国当代社会与文化英文教程-(第二版) 目录

unit 1 talking about china
  section a reading and writing
    text 1 general survey
    text 2 geographic overview
  section b listening and speaking
    text 3 situational dialogue: chinese history
    text 4 cities to see in china
unit 2 chinese people
  section a reading and writing
    text 1 han people
    text 2 a glimpse of chinese 55 ethnic minorities
  section b listening and speaking
    text 3 situational dialogue: modern chinese youth
    text 4 an introduction to mosuo people—a matriarchal society
unit 3 chinese language and literature
  section a reading and writing
    text 1 jin yong, a literary swordsman
    text 2 liu zhenyun
  section b listening and speaking
    text 3 dialogue: about han han
    text 4 a talk on chinese literature in the 20th century
unit 4 chinese education
  section a reading and writing
    text 1 reforming chinese education
    text 2 confucius institute
  section b listening and speaking
    text 3 situational dialogue
    text 4 project hope: bringing education to china’s rural poor
unit 5 economy, science and technology
  section a reading and writing
    text 1 a new legend for an ancient city
    text 2 china is pushing ahead in new fronts of science and
    technology development
  section b listening and speaking
    text 3 situational dialogue: china’s manned submersible
    text 4 a tour guide commentary on qinghai-tibet railway
unit 6 chinese holidays and folk customs
  section a reading and writing
    text 1 chinese new year in the modern world:
    a traditional chinese holiday today
    text 2 dragon boat festival
  section b listening and speaking
    text 3 situational dialogue: our traditional holidays―still meaningful?
    text 4 a speech on double seventh festival
unit 7 land of splendor
  section a reading and writing
    text 1 the yellow river
    text 2 historical evidence to support china’s sovereignty over nansha islands
  section b listening and speaking
    text 3 situational dialogue: the summer palace
    text 4 sacred mountains of china: four great mountains of buddhism
unit 8 chinese food culture
  section a reading and writing
    text 1 the principles of chinese cuisine
    text 2 regional cuisines
  section b listening and speaking
    text 3 situational dialogue: beijing roast duck
    text 4 a tour guide commentary on beijing snacks
unit 9 chinese medicine
  section a reading and writing
    text 1 an introduction to traditional chinese medicine

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