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职场商务英语看这本就够 内容简介

《职场商务英语 看这本就够》一书分为职场办公篇和商务篇两大部分,包含100余个模拟场景,近千个对话。场景对话只精选*常用的句型,让你学以致用,拿起就会说。职场商务英语并不可怕,只要每天学习一点本书的内容,你就会发现其实职场英语很简单。想要成为职场英语达人,本书一本到位,看这本就够了。

职场商务英语看这本就够 目录

 job hunting 寻找工作
 suiting up 着装
 self-introduction 自我介绍
 company information 公司信息
 the reason of job hunting 求职原因
 career target 职业目标
 working experience 工作经验
 education background 教育背景
 languages 语言能力
 character & hobby 性格和爱好
 advantage & disadvantage 优缺点
 salary goals 薪资期望
 salary& welfare 待遇福利
 end of the interview 面试结束
 the result of the recuitment 招聘结果
 applying for an educator 应聘教育人员
 applying for a financial accounting staff 应聘金融财会人员
 applying for a salesman 应聘销售人员
 applying for a foreign trade staff 应聘外贸人员
 applying for a manager 应聘经理
 talking about the vocation 谈论工作
 income 收入
 studies and work 学习与工作
 the first for work 上班**天
 introduction 相互介绍
 training the newcomers 培训新人
 making schedule for the boss 安排老板日程
 arranging for the meeting 安排会议
 office automation 办公自动化
 phone call 打电话
 accommodating clients 接待来客
 drinking coffee 喝咖啡
 table manners 用餐礼仪
 tea cake after meal 饭后茶点
 talking about other colleagues 谈论其他同事
 complaining colleagues 抱怨同事
 getting along with colleagues 同事相处
 asking for help 向同事请求帮助
 attending the company’s ball 参加公司舞会
 colleague parties 同事聚会
 asking for leave 请假
 covering & working overtime 替班加班
 coming late and leaving early 迟到早退
 getting the hook 被解雇
 raise & promotion 加薪升迁
 transferring job 调职
 job-hopping 跳槽
 resign 辞职
 receiving cases 接案
 handling a case 办案
 nursing the sick 护理病人
 carrying passengers 载客
 disliking my job 不喜欢工作
 enjoying my work 喜欢工作
 establishment of business relations 建立业务关系
 enquiry 询价
 offer 报价
 ordering goods 订货
 signing a contract 签订合同
 packing 包装
 shipping 装运
 insurance 保险
 payment 付款
 delivery  交货
 agency 代理
 commission 佣金
 taxation 纳税
 bank service 银行业务
 trade fair 商展
 advertisements 广告
 presenting products 产品介绍
 quality of the products 产品质量
 negotiation on price 价格谈判
 after-sale service 售后服务
 refund & exchange 售后退换
 complaints and claims 投诉与索赔
 marketing research 市场调查
 tendering & bidding 招标与投标
 stocks 股票
 joint venture 合资企业
 business visa 商务签证
 tourist visa 旅游签证
 buying the ticket 买票
 time & date 时间和日期
 going on business 商务出行
 asking for the boarding gate 询问登机口
 security check 安全检查
 going through customs 通过海关
 waiting for the plane 等候登记
 by airplane 乘飞机
 flight service 机上服务
 enquiry about the jet lag 询问时差
 exchanging the seat 调换座位
 taking a ship 乘船
 taking a train 乘火车
 check-in 酒店入住
 business visit 商务拜访
 business meeting 商务会议
 business dinner 商务宴请

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