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33. kenyan presidential candidates make final push 肯尼亚总统选举进入*后阶段
34. pope gives final audience 本尼迪克教皇*后一次公开露面
35. kenyan reaction to kenyatta victory decidedly mixed 肯尼亚人民对大选结果持不同看法
36. president of pakistan handed in his resignation 巴勒斯坦总理递交辞呈
37. pakistan’s future pm described as “comeback kid” 谢里夫或将重掌巴基斯坦
38. turkey protests reveal wider political struggle 土耳其抗议揭示更大的政治争斗
39. iran’s rowhani promises new era 伊朗总统鲁哈尼承诺新时代
40. kerry with indian external affairs minister 克里会见印度外交部长
41. mali’s election campaign in final days 马里大选进入*后阶段
42. iran’s new president swears in 伊朗新总统宣誓就职
unit 5 全球经济
43. us-european free trade talks to begin soon 美国与欧盟自由贸易谈判即将开始
44. washington week: focus on austerity 华盛顿本周争论焦点:紧缩政策
45. microfinance gives voice to rural indian women 小额贷款助印度妇女脱贫
46. oecd says global economy rebounds, but not in europe 经合组织称除欧洲以外,世界经济在恢复当中
47. cyprus banks reopen, bailout negotiations continue 塞浦路斯银行重新开门,援助协商仍在继续
48. world bank president: elimination of poverty possible 世界银行行长称消除贫困并非毫无可能
49. afghan businesses look to expand, despite 2014 worries 阿富汗各企业不顾2014年前景堪忧继续寻求扩大
50. syrian crisis hits lebanon’s economy 叙利亚危机重创黎巴嫩经济
51. south sudan hopes new mining law will unearth treasures 南苏丹希望新矿法能够帮助淘金
52. sanchez on u.s.-russia trade 桑切斯欲加强美国与俄罗斯的贸易关系
53. detroit’s financial slide linked to exodus of auto industry 汽车业的衰落导致底特律破产
54. california a bright spot in us economic recovery 加利福尼亚成为美国经济复苏的亮点
unit 6 国际局势
55. afghan security tops agenda for karzai washington talks 卡尔扎伊总统就阿富汗问题赴华盛顿进行会谈
56. britain could be on path to eu exit 英国或有可能退出欧盟
57. aid to syrian opposit 每天2分钟原声新闻精华-VOA2015常速-超值附赠MP3光盘及字幕

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