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小荷尖尖-影响你一生的英语背诵范文大全-1000词汇量版 本书特色

背会了,就是你自己的!让你的英语水平在背诵中迅速全面(单词、口语、语感)提升!鲜活流畅、经典优美,一书在手,经典与精华任你抢先背! 本书精选了*适合英语初学者背诵、学习的经典范文,1000词汇量,共11章,包括哲理短篇、寓言故事、迷人童话、励志故事、幽默英语、名人小事、儿歌童谣、奇闻趣事等,力求为读者奉献上一道多姿多彩的英文背诵大餐。所选范文易读易记,是读者模仿、背诵的精品,也是点燃英语学习兴趣的魔法石。入门阶段是英语学习的关键时期,应该有计划地选择背诵一些经典、生动、有趣的英语短文。本书是广大英语初学者*理想的学习小伙伴。

小荷尖尖-影响你一生的英语背诵范文大全-1000词汇量版 内容简介

背会了,就是你自己的! 让你的英语水平在背诵中迅速全面提升!“单词、口语、语感”全方位突破! 鲜活流畅、经典优美! 一书在手,经典与精华任你抢先背!

小荷尖尖-影响你一生的英语背诵范文大全-1000词汇量版 目录

chapter 1

1 哲理故事:小故事里也有大道理 1

1.1 rich or happy富有与快乐 ..........................................................2

1.2 a clever plan 聪明的计划 ...........................................................4

1.3 the trouble tree 烦恼树 ..............................................................6

1.4 the golden window 金色的窗户 ................................................8

1.5 a small rope tied to the elephant 大象的绳子.............................11

1.6 the stag and the lion 鹿和狮子 ..................................................13

1.7 the laborer and the nightingale 工人和夜莺 ................................15

1.8 the cobbler and the banker 皮匠和银行家 ................................17

1.9 number one scholar and beggar “状元”和“乞丐” ...............20

1.10 mr. going-to-do 打算去做先生 ...................................................22

1.11 the strongest power in the world 世界上*强大的力量 ..............24

1.12 the old man and the old cat 老人和老猫 ..................................26

1.13 monkeys get the moon out 猴子捞月 ........................................28

1.14 look at the sky from the bottom of a well 坐井观天 .................30


2 感人故事:滋润心灵的氧吧

2.1 boy and his tree男孩和树 .........................................................33

2.2 what does mother stand for 母亲代表什么 .........................37

2.3 a forever friend 永远的朋友 ......................................................39

2.4 the scar of love 爱的疤痕 ..........................................................41

2.5 at the age of eleven 11岁那天 ...................................................44

2.6 the only listener 唯一的听众 ....................................................47

2.7 you are my life 你是我的生命 ..................................................51

2.8 a brother like that 这样的哥哥 ..................................................53

2.9 home 家 ........................................................................................56

2.10 a pet's commandments 与狗狗的约定 .......................................59

2. 11 all i learned in kindergarten 幼儿园里学到的 ..........................62

2.12 see you in spring 春天见 .............................................................65


3 寓言故事:为灵魂的成长保驾护航

3.1 a fox and a cock 狐狸与公鸡 .....................................................68

3.2 the father and his sons 父亲和儿子 ..........................................70

3.3 the thief and his mother 小偷和他的母亲 ................................72

3.4 the wind and the sun 风和太阳 ..................................................74

3.5 the fox and the grapes 狐狸与葡萄 ...........................................76

3.6 the lion and the mouse 狮子和老鼠 ..........................................78

3.7 the rabbit and the fox 兔子和狐狸 ............................................80

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