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阅读专题特训+高频词汇快速突破 本书特色

本书作者根据历年雅思阅读考题,对出题的范围进行了总结,把涉及的题材大体分为十二大类别:(1)自然现象,(2)人类历史上的重大事件,(3)交通运输,(4)语言,(5)环境保护,(6)动物,(7)建筑,(8)社会问题,(9)医疗卫生,(10)农、工、商,(11)教育,(12)科学技术。本书的阅读训练部分就是按照这十二个专题分单元编写的,每个单元包括五篇由短到长的文章,每个单元的练习都覆盖各种常见题型。这样的编写让考生对每个专题都能得到充分的阅读训练,从而熟悉这一专题可能涉及的词汇、表达方式和出题方式。这样,在真正的考试中,就不会因为对题材感到生疏而影响阅读速度。   为了方便考生掌握相关词汇,本书在每一篇文章后都附了选篇所涉及的词汇,相应的词汇在选篇中也用斜体标出,便于考生直接查阅。因为每个专题涉及的词汇并非五篇文章所能涵盖,所以本书还特别编写了专题分类词汇学习手册,把与每个专题密切相关的词汇以英汉对照的方式列出,做成口袋书随书附赠,便于考生随身携带,随时随地查阅、记忆。

阅读专题特训+高频词汇快速突破 目录

ielts reading activities
unit one natural phenomena (自然现象)
reading passage 1: earthquakes in history
reading passage 2: e1 nino's
reading passage 3: storms
reading passage 4: coasts in crisis
reading passage 5: mount saint helens
unit two important events in human history (人类历史上的重大事件)
reading passage 1: the history of coins
reading passage 2: the olympic games
reading passage 3: the story of aviation
reading passage 4: history of the wheel
reading passage 5: the mystery of time
unit three transportation (交通运输)
reading passage 1: rally for a car-free prospect park
reading passage 2: capacity problems of public transportation system
reading passage 3: teen driving safety: a national priority
reading passage 4: chicago area is not alone in transit woes, survey says
reading passage 5: when public transit ceases to be public
unit four language (语言)
reading passage 1: language, culture, and health care delivery
reading passage 2: critical period
reading passage 3: languages of the world
reading passage 4: babbling
reading passage 5: baby talk
unit five environmental protection (环境保护)
reading passage 1: a growing coral crisis
reading passage 2: acid rain: what's the solution?
reading passage 3: paper recycling process benefits environment and profits
reading passage 4: handle with care
reading passage 5: is the world really coming to an end?
unit six animals (动物)
reading passage 1: the animal kingdom
reading passage 2: life in the water
reading passage 3: bandit birds: crows
reading passage 4: bees
reading passage 5: the abc's of adaptation: staying alive
unit seven architecture (建筑)
reading passage 1: a new expansion plan of the whitney museum of american art
reading passage 2: forgotten designers: homes built by women
reading passage 3: students master the art of building
reading passage 4: heads up! roofs in traditional chinese architecture
reading passage 5: a brief introduction to traditional chinese architecture
unit eight social issues (社会问题)
reading passage 1: rising fuel prices
reading passage 2: what goes wrong with our math education?
reading passage 3: university teachers became jobless
reading passage 4: rising food prices
reading passage 5: world bank's poverty estimates revised
unit nine medical science (医疗卫生)
reading passage 1: smoking and cancer
reading passage 2: a map for smart eating
reading passage 3: aids: the nation's worst public-health problem
reading passage 4: identical twins
reading passage 5: genes
unit ten agriculture, industry and commerce (农、工、商)
reading passage 1: paper and its uses
reading passage 2: personnel recruiting
reading passage 3: business ethics
reading passage 4: scientists make plants grow faster
reading passage 5: glass
unit eleven education (教育)
reading passage 1: teacher-pupil relations in the digital age

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外语 英语考试 雅思IELTS


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