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实用商务英语函电-赠送多媒体课件 本书特色

  《实用商务英语函电(附光盘)》按照商务活动的全流程,以针织服装为主题商品,按照国际贸易进出口流程的主要环节和内容逐一呈现相关知识和例函。本书每章分三课,环环递进,业务步骤清晰,既详介了商务信函的特点、主要构成、基本格式和写作原则,又辅之以注释和练习,帮助学习者加深理解和巩固所学内容。本书附有课件,内容以教材为基础,并有所补充和拓展,方便教学与自学。   本书适用于商务英语、国际商务、外经贸、涉外文秘等专业的本、专科学生,也可作为对该门课程有兴趣的其他专业的辅修教材及从事商务的人员的自学材料。

实用商务英语函电-赠送多媒体课件 目录

unit 1  basic knowledge of business letter writing    lesson 1  an introduction to business letter writing    lesson 2  layout of a business letter    lesson 3  writing principles of a business letterunit 2  establishing business relations    lesson 1  company profile    lesson 2  self-introduction by exporter    lesson 3  (1) importer writes to exporter              (2) reply to the above    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 3  enquiries and replies    lesson 1  (1) general enquiry              (2) reply to the above    lesson 2  (1) order enquiry              (2) reply to the above    lesson 3  (1) status enquiry              (2) reply to the above    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 4  offers and counter-offers    lesson 1  (1) a quotation              (2) reply to the above    lesson2  (1) afirmoffer              (2) the counter-offer    (3) reply to the above    lesson 3  (1) a non-firm offer              (2) the counter-offer    (3) the counter-counter offer    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 5  orders, acceptances and rejections    lesson 1  sample letters for orders    lesson 2  acceptance and partial acceptance of orders    lesson 3  rejection of orders    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 6  contract signing    lesson 1  sending a sales confirmation    lesson 2  sales confirmation    lesson 3  counter signature letter    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 7  payment    lesson 1  (1) urging establishment of the l/c              (2) reply to the above    lesson 2  (1) amendment to an l/c              (2) reply to the above    lesson 3  asking for extension of an l/c    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 8  packing    lesson 1  inner packing    lesson 2  outer packing    lesson 3  (1) amending packing requirements and marking              (2) reply to the above    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 9  shipment    lesson 1  (1) shipping instructions              (2) reply to the above    lesson 2  (1) urging for prompt shipment              (2) reply to the above    lesson 3  shipping advice    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 10  insurance    lesson 1  (1) buyer asking seller to cover insurance              (2) reply to the above    lesson 2  (1) to insure the goods with an insurance company              (2) reply from the insurance company    lesson 3  (1) asking the seller to arrange shipment and excessive insurance              (2) reply to the above    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 11  complaints, claims and settlements    lesson 1  (1) complaint of wrong goods delivered              (2) reply--complaint accepted    lesson 2  (1) claim for improper packing              (2) reply--suggesting a claim to the shipping company    lesson 3  claim for inferior quality    writing practice    useful sentencesunit 12  agency    lesson 1  importer asking for sole agency    lesson 2  entrusting a customer with sole agency    lesson 3  sole agency agreement    writing practice    useful sentencesappendix  main shipping documents 

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