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英语学术论文写作教程 本书特色


英语学术论文写作教程 内容简介

本书全方位地分析和阐述了英语学术论文写作的理论知识和写作技巧, 从论文选题、确立主题、资料搜集与整理、草拟提纲、论文初稿撰写、论文修改、论文定稿、论文格式、注释的使用、文献援引、地道的英语用语表达等方面详尽讲解了英语学术论文写作的各个具体环节, 并援引了新近

英语学术论文写作教程 目录

part i  an overview of a research paperchapter 1  ideas about research papers  1.1  definition  1.2  what a research paper is  1.3  what a research paper is not  1.4  significance of research paper writing  1.5  characteristics of a research paper  1.6  kinds of research paperschapter 2  paper supervision  2.1  the role of the advisor  2.2  advisor-student contact  2.3  the student's rolechapter 3  general strategies for writing a research paper  3.1  general considerations of writing a research paper  3.2  general strategies for writing a research paperpart ii  process of writing a research paperchapter 4  choosing a topic and researching the topic  4.1  choosing a topic  4.2  researching the topicchapter 5  collecting information  5.1  information for a paper  5.2  collecting informationchapter 6  writing literature review  6.1  purpose of literature review  6.2  classification of source materials  6.3  evaluating source materials in literature review  6.4  making your sources work for you  6.5  writing literature reviewchapter 7  organizing ideas  7.1  analyzing your information  7.2  organizing your ideas  7.3  working out the thesis statementchapter 8  outlining  8.1  functions of the outline  8.2  the format of the outline  8.3  types of outlines  8.4  rules for writing outlineschapter 9  writing the first draft  9.1  useful tips for writing the first draft  9.2  specific strategies in writing your first draftchapter 10  revising the draft and finalizing the paper  10.1  revising for content and organization -- macro-revision.  10.2  revising for details-- micro-revision  10.3  finalizing the paper part iii  format of a research paperchapter 11  format of a research paper  11.1  the structure of a paper  11.2  the format of a research paperchapter 12  use of quotations  12.1  kinds of quotations  12.2  rules regarding the use of quotations  12.3  weaving quotations into the text of the paper  12.4  use of direct quotationschapter 13  use of notes  13.1  in-text notes  13.2  endnotes and footnoteschapter 14  avoiding plagiarism  14.1  plagiarism  14.2  causes of plagiarism  14.3  sources to be cited  14.4  information unnecessary to acknowledge  14.5  information necessary to acknowledge  14.6  avoiding unintentional plagiarismpartiv  documentationchapter 15  documentation  15.1  what is documentation  15.2  the importance of documenting sources  15.3  sources to be documented  15.4  basic styles of documentation  15.5  the mla style of documentation  15.6  the apa style of documentation  15.7  the turabian footnote and endnote style  15.8  electronic or online resourcespart v  english expressionchapter 16  language skills  16.1  diction  16.2  phrasing  16.3  spelling  16.4  style  16.5  jargon  16.6  wordinesschapter 17  punctuation conventions  17.1  comma, semicolon and colon  17.2  apostrophes  17.3  dashes, parentheses, brackets and hyphens  17.4  quotation and ellipsis markschapter 18  syntax conventions  18.1  sentence problems  18.2  subject-verbagreement  18.3  pronouns and their antecedents  18.4  tense inconsistency  18.5  words separation  18.6  active and passive voices  18.7  modifiers, articles and prepositionschapter 19  paragraphs  19.1  topic sentences  19.2  connectives  19.3  types of development  19.4  length and emphasispart vi  english expression tests  english expression test one  english expression test two  english expression test three  english expression test fourpart vii  appendixes  appendix i  sample research papers  sample research paper 1  the elimination of pragmatic failures in  cross-cultural communication  sample research paper 2  stylistic analysis of english editorialsappendix ii assessment formappendix m scoring guidebibliography

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