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4周说出溜英语-(含光盘) 本书特色


4周说出溜英语-(含光盘) 内容简介

■ 不要把提高英语水平作为*终目的!只要享受对话,一定能记住英语! ■ 只要4周,轻松打开和老外沟通的**步! ■ 4类话题,37个和老外常用的对话,200句超实用的口语表达,用简单风趣的漫画自然而然让你朗朗上口! ■ 由作者本人和韩国著名英语dj亲自录制的超搞笑的mp3录音,感受真实场景下的地道美语发音!

4周说出溜英语-(含光盘) 目录

part 1
·不要总想着提高英语水平 6
·享受对话,自然就能记住英语 8
·对全世界的多种文化带有好奇心 10
·忘掉“美国”,英语就简单了 12
·与“世界公民”沟通 14
part 2
·第1步 观察对方 18-93
episode 01 i think we are waiting for the same bus
episode 02 could you press that, please?
episode 03 looks a little bit messy, right?
episode 04 are you staff of the repair shop?
episode 05 the baby is so cute
episode 06 can i have a question?
episode 07 isn't she a hollywood actress?
episode 08 what's going on?
episode 09 are you ok?
episode 10 do you need some tissues?
·第2步 找到符合当前状况的问题 94-169
episode 01 could i ask something?
episode 02 did you draw these?
episode 03 the sunglasses look good on you
episode 04 may i sit by you?
episode 05 would you mind opening the window?
episode 06 the rain doesn't seem to stop
episode 07 you are from another country
episode 08 you look so bored
episode 09 it's a beautiful day
·第3步 把对话交给对话 170-243
episode 01 did you hear the announcement?
episode 02 you play really good basketball
episode 03 you know how to listen to music
episode 04 have a seat
episode 05 my seat is particularly small
episode 06 i can guess your menu for dinner
episode 07 you come here often, don't you?
episode 08 your bag looks so heavy
episode 09 what are you reading?
·第4步 发现共同的兴趣点 244-317
episode 01 the guy is so cute, isn't he?
episode 02 eric clapton is the best musician ever
episode 03 the coffee tastes really good
episode 04 it is so loud in here
episode 05 you look sleepy
episode 06 have we met somewhere?
episode 07 i enjoyed your song
episode 08 how is the beer here?
episode 09 your bicycle looks cool

4周说出溜英语-(含光盘) 作者简介



外语 口语、生活实用英语


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