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看电影学英文 本书特色

本书精选了《魂断蓝桥》 《乱世佳人》 《卡萨布兰卡》 《阿甘正传》 《美丽心灵》 《泰坦尼克号》 《大话王》等7部英文影片的经典片段。全书共7个单元,每单元包括影片背景、主角简介、原文脚本、文化注释和练习,旨在让读者在艺术欣赏中学习英语,学好英语,取得事半功倍的学习效果。 本书适合作为高等院校本科生和专科生的选修课教材,也可供广大英语爱好者学习鉴赏。

看电影学英文 目录

unit 1 waterloo bridge
 part one related information
 part two synopsis and review
 part three scripts of the film
 part four notes
 part five topics for discussion
unit 2 forrest gump
 part one related information
 part two synopsis and review
 part three scripts of the film
 part four notes
 part five topics for discussion
unit 3 a beautiful mind
 part one related information
 part two synopsis and review
 part three the script of a beautiful mind
 part four notes
 part five topics for discussion
unit 4 casablanca
 part one related information
 part two synopsis and review
 part three the script of casablanca
 part four notes
 part five topics for discussion
unit 5 gone with the wind
 part one related information
 part two synopsis and review
 part three scripts of the film
 part four notes
 part five topics for discussion
unit 6 titanic
 part one related information
 part two synopsis and review
 part three scripts of the film
 part four notes
 part five topics for discussion
unit 7 liar liar
 part one related information
 part two synopsis and review
 part three scripts of the film
 part four notes
 part five topics for discussion 看电影学英文

外语 英语读物 英汉对照


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