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  28. 私人问题建议 giving advice in personal issues 
  29. 工作中的建议 giving advice in professional situations 
  30. 回应建议 responding to suggestions 
  31. 警告 giving warnings 
  part 3 人力资源写作 human resources writing 
  unit 6 求职 job search 
  32. 求职信 cover letter 
  33. 推荐信 letter of recommendation 
  34. 申请新职位 applying for a new job 
  unit7 招聘 recruitment
  35. 招聘广告 want ads 
  36. 录用通知 job offer 
  37. 人事变动通知 notification of personnel changes 
  part 4 公司运营写作 company operation writing 
  unit 8 通知和通告 announcements and notifications 
  38. 会议通知 notifications of meetings 
  39. 欢迎新员工 welcome new employees 
  40. 业务管理通知 management announcements 
  41. 行政管理通知 administrative announcements 
  42. 嘉奖和警告通知 award and warning announcements
  43. 假日及活动通知 holiday and special event notification 
  44. 开业和并购通告 merger and new business notification 
  45. 名称及人事变更通告 notification for name and personnel changes 
  unit 9 邀请函 invitations 
  46. 宴会邀请 party invitations 
  47. 会议邀请 meeting invitations 
  48. 访问邀请 invitation to make a visit
  49. 庆典邀请 invitation to attend a celebration 
  50. 投标邀请 invitation to submit a bid 
  51. 接受或婉拒邀请 accepting or declining invitations 
  unit 10 安排活动 making arrangements 
  52. 安排约见 making appointments 
  53. 安排活动行程 making an itinerary for activities 
  54. 安排住宿交通 arranging accommodations and transportation 
  unit 11 申请报告 applications 
  55. 请假 applying for leave
  56. 申请购买物品 applying to purchase supplies 
  57. 申请培训机会 applying for training opportunities 
  58. 申请赞助 applying for sponsorship 
  59. 申请贷款 applying for a loan
  60. 申请信用账户 applying for a credit account 
  61. 申请银行服务 applying for bank services 
  unit 12 研发和生产 r&d and production 
  62. 项目计划书 project proposals
  63. 布置工作 layout work 
  64. 汇报进度 progress report 
  65. 提交新方案 submitting a new proposal
  66. 请求延期 requesting an extension 
  67. 降低成本 cost reduction 
  unit 13 营销和推广 marketing and promotion 
  68. 销售报告 sales reports 
  69. 营销计划 marketing plans 
  70. 公关活动公告 pr campaigns 
  71. 答复客户询问 responding to inquiries
  72. 客户通知 reporting to customers
  73. 跟进客户函 follow up
  74. 客户调查函 customer surveys 
  unit 14 介绍公司和产品 company and product introduction 
  75. 介绍公司概况(网络服务商) company profile (internet service provider) 
  76. 介绍主营业务(工业品制造商) service profile (industrial manufacturer) 
  77. 介绍主营业务(消费品制造商) service profile(consumer goods) 
  78. 介绍主营业务(经销商) service profile (distributors) 
  79. 介绍主营业务(服务业)service profile (service industry) 
  part 5 外贸实务写作 foreign trade writing 
  unit 15 往来订单 completing orders 
  80. 联系供货商 finding suppliers 
  81. 联系生产厂家 contacting the manufacturer
  82. 争取代理权 agent relations 
  83. 询价和报价 inquiry and quotations 
  84. 讨价还价 negotiation over price 
  85. 确认条款 confirming terms 
  86. 签订合同 making contracts 
  87. 下订单 receiving orders 
  88. 修改或取消订单 modifying or canceling orders 
  89. 无法完成订单 inability to complete order 
  90. 发货和收货通知 shipping and receiving notification 
  unit 16 付款 payment
  91. 通知付款 notification of payment
  92. 确认到款 confirm receipt of payment 
  93. 催款 payment reminder 
  94. 请求延期付款 request payment deferral 
  95. 答复延期付款请求 responding to payment deferral requests 
  unit 17 投诉及道歉 complaints and apologies 
  96. 产品不合要求 defective or incorrect product 
  97. 交货期延误 delivery delay
  98. 服务态度差 poor customer service 
  99. 票据或金额有误 mistake in invoice or account charges
  100. 索赔 making claims 

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