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水产英语 本书特色

陆国飞编写的《水产英语(大学英语拓展系列教程)》是浙江海洋大学大学英语拓展教程系列教材之一,是为水产类专业学生学习完通用大学英语之后和学习专业英语之前的英语拓展学习而编写的教材?br/> 主要内容:本书涵盖了水产领域的各个方面,主要包括水产史、渔业资源、渔具、渔业环境、水产养殖、海洋生物、鱼病防治、渔业法规、渔业科学和渔业管理与发展等话题,通过解读具有一定专业性的文章、材料,提高学生专业英语的阅读能力?br/> 本书特色:本教材课文材料主要选白英语国家的专题网站有关水产领域的普及性知识,并经过编者的改写而成,语言通俗地道,内容涉及水产行业各个领域,让学生畅游在英语世界里学习水产知识?br/> 适用范围:主要适用于高等院校水产专业的学生?br/> 

水产英语 目录

unit one history of fishingtext a ancient fishing and modern fishingtext b recreational fishingunit two fishery resourcestext a ocean fisheriestext b tuna resourcesunit three fishing techniques and fishing tackletext a fishing techniquestext b fishing tackleunit four fishing environmenttext a climate change impacts on fisheries and aquaculturetext b environmental impactunit five aquaculturetext a why farmed salmon is becoming a viable alternative to wild-caughttext b reproduction innovationsunit six marine organism text a secret voyages of leatherback turtles revealed using transmitterstext b whales, dolphins, and porpoisesunit seven prevention and treatment of fish diseasestext a fish and parasitic infectiontext b fish diseases and parasitesunit eight fishing laws and regulationstext a international convention for the regulation of whalingtext b convention on fishing and conservation of the living resources of the high seasunit nine fisheries sciencetext a how is fisheries science used?text b what are the departments of fisheries science?unit ten fishery management and developmenttext a fisheries managementtext b fishing for tomorrow:glossaryreferences 水产英语

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