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零基础传说中最简单的英语会话书-全彩图解-(附MP3光盘) 本书特色


零基础传说中最简单的英语会话书-全彩图解-(附MP3光盘) 内容简介


零基础传说中最简单的英语会话书-全彩图解-(附MP3光盘) 目录

Chapter 01 Introduction and Greeting 介绍与问候
Section 01 Meeting at the Airport 机场会面
Section 02 Greeting at School 校园问候
Section 03 Meeting in a Class 相遇课堂
Section 04 Making a Self-introduction 自我介绍
Section 05 Introducing Friends 介绍朋友
Section 06 Meeting a Neighbor 邻居相遇
Section 07 Parting After Visiting 拜访告别
Section 08 Seeing a Friend Off 机场送别
Chapter 02 Campus Life 校园生活
Section 01 In a Class 课堂伊始
Section 02 Talking About Teachers 谈论老师
Section 03 Preparing Examinations 准备考试
Section 04 On the Playground 操场竞技Chapter 01 Introduction and Greeting 介绍与问候 Section 01 Meeting at the Airport 机场会面 Section 02 Greeting at School 校园问候 Section 03 Meeting in a Class 相遇课堂 Section 04 Making a Self-introduction 自我介绍 Section 05 Introducing Friends 介绍朋友 Section 06 Meeting a Neighbor 邻居相遇 Section 07 Parting After Visiting 拜访告别 Section 08 Seeing a Friend Off 机场送别 Chapter 02 Campus Life 校园生活 Section 01 In a Class 课堂伊始 Section 02 Talking About Teachers 谈论老师 Section 03 Preparing Examinations 准备考试 Section 04 On the Playground 操场竞技 Section 05 Party Invitation 聚会邀请 Section 06 Joining a Club 加入社团 Section 07 Running for a Position 校园竞选 Section 08 Part-time Jobs 兼职工作 Chapter 03 Shopping 欢乐购物 Section 01 In the Supermarket 超市选购 Section 02 Buying a Pair of Jeans 买牛仔裤 Section 03 At the Cashier’s Desk 收银台前 Section 04 A Big Sale 大减价 Section 05 Bargaining in a Flea Market 在跳蚤市场砍价 Section 06 Buying a Gift for a Friend 给朋友买礼物 Section 07 Buying Books 买书 Section 08 Getting a Refund 退货 Chapter 04 Parties and Celebrations 聚会与庆祝 Section 01 An Invitation 发出邀请 Section 02 Party Preparations 聚会准备 Section 03 At a Party 欢聚一堂 Section 04 Talking About Parties 谈论派对 Section 05 At a Wedding 浪漫婚礼 Section 06 A Wedding Anniversary 结婚纪念 Section 07 A Birthday Dinner 生日晚宴 Section 08 A Promotion 庆祝晋升 Chapter 05 Interests and Hobbies 兴趣爱好 Section 01 Growing Flowers 养花 Section 02 Stamp Collecting 集邮 Section 03 Painting and Calligraphy 绘画与书法 Section 04 Roller Skating 滑旱冰 Section 05 Basketball 篮球 Section 06 Good Hobbies and Bad Hobbies 爱好的优劣 Section 07 Career Interests 职业兴趣 Section 08 Talking About Hobbies in an Interview 爱好展示 Chapter 06 Dining Out 外出就餐 Section 01 Dinner Etiquette 用餐礼仪 Section 02 Reserving a Table 预订餐桌 Section 03 Ordering the Dishes 精心点餐 Section 4 Dinner Talk 晚餐谈话 Section 5 Making Complaints 投诉抱怨 Section 6 Paying the Bill 餐后买单 Section 7 Having Fast Food 乐享快餐 Section 8 Having a Buffet 欢乐自助 Chapter07 Holidays and Festivals 节假日 Section 01 Christmas Day 圣诞节 106 Section 02 Halloween 万圣节 107 Section 03 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 Section 04 April Fool’s Day 愚人节 Section 05 Father’s Day 父亲节 Section 06 The Spring Festival 春节 Section 07 The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Section 08 National Day 国庆节 Chapter 08 Travelling 旅游出行 Section 01 Travel Plans 旅游计划 Section 02 Making a Reservation 提早预订 Section 03 At the Airport 准备登机 Section 04 Checking in at the Hotel 酒店登记 Section 05 Asking for Directions 悉尼问路 Section 06 Sightseeing 旅游观光 Section 07 Shopping 异地购物 Section 08 At Customs 海关检查 Chapter 09 At the Hospital 求医问诊 Section 01 Catching a Cold 偶感风寒 Section 02 At the Drug Store 药店买药 Section 03 How to Take Medicine 如何服药 Section 04 Registering at the Hospital 医院挂号 Section 05 Seeing a Doctor 看医生 Section 06 Giving a Prescription 开处方 Section 07 Hospitalization 住院治疗 Section 08 In the Ward 在病房 Chapter 10 Clothing and Appearance 梳妆打扮 Section 01 Cosmetics 化妆品 Section 02 Lip Gloss 唇部彩妆 Section 03 Dressing-up 盛装出行 Section 04 Make-up 美丽装扮 Section 05 Hair Dressing 发型打造 Section 06 At a Beauty Salon 美容沙龙 Chapter 11 Letting and Renting 出租与求租 Section 01 Looking for a House 寻找房源 Section 02 Housing Conditions 住房条件 Section 03 Seeing the Apartment 实地看房 Section 04 Talking About the Rent 商讨租金 Section 05 The Lease 租房合同 Section 06 To Buy or to Rent 买还是租 Chapter 12 Transportation 交通出行 Section 01 On a Plane 在飞机上 Section 02 Changing Buses 公交换乘 Section 03 Taking a Taxi 乘出租车 Section 04 Taking the Subway 乘坐地铁 Section 05 Taking a Train 乘坐火车 Section 06 Renting a Car 汽车租赁 Chapter 13 Movies and Music 电影与音乐 Section 01 Movie Ratings 电影分级 Section 02 Types of Films 电影种类 Section 03 Going to a Cinema 观看电影 Section 04 Romantic Songs 浪漫歌曲 Section 05 Music Bands 缤纷乐队 Section 06 Pop Music 流行音乐 Chapter 14 Keeping Fit 保持健康 Section 01 Walking up the Stairs 走楼梯 Section 02 Mountain Climbing 爬山 Section 03 Going to a Gym 去健身房 Section 04 Yoga 瑜伽 Section 05 Losing Weight 减肥 Section 06 Camping 野营 Section 07 Going on a Diet 节食 Section 08 Health 健康 Chapter 15 Pets 宠物 Section 01 Keeping a Dog 养狗 Section 02 Cats and Dogs 猫与狗 Section 03 Unusual Pets 不同寻常的宠物 Section 04 Pet Licenses 宠物饲养证 Section 05 Feeding Fish 养鱼 Section 06 House Training 室内训练 Section 07 Pet Foods 宠物美食 Section 08 A Sick Pet 宠物生病 Chapter 16 The Internet 网络平台 Section 01 The Use of the Internet 网络时代 Section 02 Cyber Stores 网络商店 Section 03 Web Surfing 网上冲浪 Section 04 Online Games 网络游戏 Section 05 Computer Repairs 电脑维修 Section 06 Changes Brought by the Internet 网络带来的变化 Section 07 Netizens 网民 Section 08 E-commerce 电子商务 Chapter 17 Career Life 职场生涯 Section 01 Career Planning 工作计划 Section 02 At a Job Agency 中介公司 Section 03 Applying for a Job 应聘工作 Section 04 An Interview 求职面试 Section 05 Work Procedures 工作程序 Section 06 Chatting with a Co-worker 闲暇畅聊 Section 07 Knocking Off Work 下班时刻 Section 08 Working Overtime 加班加薪 Chapter 18 Graduation 毕业 Section 01 The Supervisor’s Guidance 导师指导 Section 02 Writing a Paper 论文撰写 Section 03 Walking on the Campus 校园漫步 Section 04 The Last Lesson *后一课 Section 05 Appreciating the Supervisor 感谢导师 Section 06 The Graduation Ceremony 毕业典礼 Section 07 At the Farewell Party 在欢送会上 Section 08 Departure 离别信息

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