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测试题-新实用汉语课本-1-(第3版)-英文注释作者:刘珣 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787561944615 定价:52.0 出版时间:2016-07-01 出版社:北京语言大学出版社 |
测试题-新实用汉语课本-1-(第3版)-英文注释 本书特色
New Practical Chinese Reader (NPCR) is a series of textbooks designed for non-Chinese speaking adults to learn Chinese. It consists of 60 lessons in six volumes,covering the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. It has been compiled under the guidance of the International Curricu/um for Chinese Language Education of Hanban and in connsultation with the new HSK Guideline. The objective of this series is to develop students' comprehensive ability to use Chinese, especially their cross-cultural communication abifity, through the study of language structures, language functions, and related cultural knowledge along with the training in listening, speaking,reading and writing skills.

外语 对外汉语
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