建筑环境与能源应用工程专业英语作者:侯向秦 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787518309740 定价:26.0 出版时间:2015-12-01 出版社:石油工业出版社 |
建筑环境与能源应用工程专业英语 本书特色
侯向秦编*的《建筑环境与能源应用工程专业英语(高等学校教材)》根据编者多年从事建筑环境与能源应用工程专业英语的教学工作编写而成。全书包括 20个单元的课文阅读,文章内容涉及流体力学、供热工程、空气调节、工业通风、燃气工程、管道工程、新能源应用等方面。附录部分系统介绍了专业英语的基础知识、构词法、专业英语的翻译、专业英语快速阅读技巧以及科技论文写作等方面的内容。 本书可作为建筑环境与能源应用工程专业及相关专业本科生专业英语的教材或参考书,也可作为相关专业工程技术人员学习专业英语的自学用书。
建筑环境与能源应用工程专业英语 目录
unit 1 thermodynamics foundation intensive reading basic concepts and definitions extensive reading thermodynamic systems reading material pressureunit 2 thermodynamics application intensive reading application of the principles of thermodynamics to steady-flow components of engineering systems extensive reading power and enthalpy reading material the first law of thermodynamicsunit 3 gaseous fuel intensive reading manufactured gases extensive reading gaseous fuels reading material the future of plastic pipe at higher pressuresunit 4 application of gas fuel intensive reading new areas of gas consumption extensive reading liquefied petroleum gas (lpg) reading material coal-related gasesunit 5 pipeline network intensive reading network planning extensive reading the industrial cogeneration reading material the diaphragm tankunit 6 combustion equipment intensive reading smoke tube economic boiler extensive reading stoichiometric combustion of oil fuels reading material furnace and boilerunit 7 thermal comfort in building intensive reading comfort and discomfort extensive reading ceiling heating reading material underfloor heatingunit 8 compressor intensive reading compressor failure extensive reading compressor overheating due to electrical problems reading material district heating and cooling systemsunit 9 odorization system intensive reading injection odorization system design extensive reading safer repair of plastic pipe reading material computers analyze odorant concentrationunit 10 floor heating system intensive reading floor heating:achieving thermal comfort in artificial environments extensive reading floor heating design criteria reading material system economics and design optimization of floor heating systemunit 11 gas engineering intensive reading new emphasis on natural gas storage extensive reading scada cuts pipeline reading material flow measurement up grade enables cost-effective monitoringunit 12 gas transmission intensive reading gas gathering and transport extensive reading gas- water systems and dehydration processing reading material gas and liquid separationunit 13 natural gas property intensive reading volumetric behavior of natural gas containing hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide extensive reading how to estimate size cost of producing equipment reading material foam insulation reduces gathering system costsunit 14 air conditioning system intensive reading introduction to vav systems extensive reading test method of the air conditioning plant reading material air conditioning water system characteristicsunit 15 heating system intensive reading heat transmission and distribution systems extensive reading infiltration heat loss reading material cast- iron radiatorsunit 16 refrigeration principle intensive reading ideal basic vapor compression refrigeration cycle extensive reading probability and entropy reading material entropy and the third lawunit 17 basic characteristics of fluid intensive reading variation of pressure in a static fluid extensive reading compressible and incompressible fluids reading material transient heat flowunit 18 basic principles of pipe flow intensive reading incompressible, steady, and uniform turbulent flow in circular cross - section pipes extensive reading laminar and turbulent flow reading material pipe networksunit 19 convection intensive reading natural convection extensive reading forced convection reading material convectionunit 20 construction and development of pipeline engineering intensive reading pipeline construction extensive reading europe' s border gas trade on the rise reading material strategies coping with challenges of natural gas developmentappendix appendix i basic knowledge of professional english(专业英语基础知识) appendix ii word formation(构词法) appendix iii translation of professional english(专业英语的翻译) appendix iv technique of fast reading(快速阅读技巧) appendix v writing of scientific paper(科技论文的写作)references
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