托福写作 妙笔生花在线练习详解

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托福写作 妙笔生花在线练习详解

托福写作 妙笔生花在线练习详解


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托福写作 妙笔生花在线练习详解 内容简介

还在为在网上线下找不到一部完整的tpo写作真题解析而困惑么? 还在为有答案无思路、有思路无语料而焦虑么? 现在你不用再着急了,拥有《托福写作 妙笔生花》,你的问题将迎刃而解!!! ★ testcrackers名师工作室倾力巨献,内部资料的首度公开,新东方酷学网托福写作配套教材! ★ tpo真题写作的强大语料库,权威解析,范本明细,触类旁通,妙笔生花! ★ 全书按照题型排序,安排合理,查找方便,学习起来有章可循! ★ 更有包括公共微信(testcrackers)、新浪微博(wordmatters)、新东方酷学网托福配套课程、读者资料分享qq群(188615962/452715901)等多家媒体支持该系列丛书的配套内容陆续上线,包括:答案音频录音、答案扩展、机经预测综述,以及未来更新的更多tpo内容(tpo35以后的内容),让您在托福备考的征程中没有后顾之忧。

托福写作 妙笔生花在线练习详解 目录

目 录序 一 为梦扬帆,乘风远航序 二 通往美利坚的铺路石前 言part ⅰ 托福综合写作考试介绍与写作方法1.1 综合写作的考试介绍1.2 综合写作的笔记策略1.3 综合写作的反驳体系1.4 综合写作的写作方法part ⅱ tpo综合写作范例与解析tpo 1 four-day workweektpo 2 team projecttpo 3 rembrandttpo 4 endothermstpo 5 chaco canyontpo 6 online encyclopediatpo 7 eco-certificationtpo 8 chevaliertpo 9 fuel-cell enginestpo 10 sea ottertpo 11 decline in book readingtpo 12 jane austentpo 13 fossil tradingtpo 14 salvage loggingtpo 15 cane toadtpo 16 archaeologytpo 17 wildlifetpo 18 torreya treetpo 19 buzzingtpo 20 let it burntpo 21 genetic modificationtpo 22 ethanol fueltpo 23 yellow cedartpo 24 tyrannosaurus. rextpo 25 vesseltpo 26 zebra musseltpo 27 the little ice agetpo 28 robert e. pearytpo 29 alaska's north slopetpo 30 the burning mirrortpo 31 sinosauropteryxtpo 32 quackerstpo 33 carved stone ballstpo 34 steller's sea cowtpo 35 voynich manuscriptextra 1 franchiseextra 2 smart carspart ⅲ 托福独立写作考试介绍与写作方法3.1 独立写作的考试介绍3.2 独立写作的评分标准3.3 独立写作的写作方法3.4 独立写作的误区part ⅳ tpo独立写作范例与解析tpo 1 higher education & financial supporttpo 2 honesty & interpersonal relationshiptpo 3 old friends & new friendstpo 4 use of cars in futuretpo 5 personal enjoyment & responsibilitiestpo 6 modern life & comfort degreetpo 7 understand abstract meanings & learn factstpo 8 television advertising directed toward childrentpo 9 technology & children's creativitytpo 10 children & computer gamestpo 11 values and problems of information explosiontpo 12 broad knowledge & specialized knowledgetpo 13 the importance of the extended familytpo 14 domestic travels & oversea travelstpo 15 money managementtpo 16 travel in a grouptpo 17 advertisements & productstpo 18 teachers & friendstpo 19 get information from different news sourcestpo 20 risks & successtpo 21 hard work & interpersonal relationshiptpo 22 should not show social and political views in classtpo 23 work quickly to risk making mistakes & work slowly to keep errorfreetpo 24 take a part-time jobtpo 25 young people & societytpo 26 choose jobs similar to parents' jobs or different from parent's jobstpo 27 get a secure job & get a satisfying jobtpo 28 parents' involvement in children's educationtpo 29 the quality of education & salaries for uniersity professorstpo 30 work daystpo 31 mondern life & people's happinesstpo 32 young people & social developmenttpo 33 work together & work alonetpo 34 electronic products & children's educationtpo 35 famous people & privacyextra 1 learn things from peers or teachersextra 2 decision-making

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