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AP美国历史5分制胜 本书特色

《ap美国历史5分制胜》共分5步,帮助考生了解ap考试以及自身水平,培养考试技巧,复习重点难点,建立应考信心。 全书详细介绍了ap考试特点,并提供了三种不同的备考方案,方便考生根据自身情况制定复习计划。诊断测试附有详细答案和解析,方便考生查缺补漏。此外,还为各种类型的考题提供了应试技巧,让考生备考事半功倍。考点复习部分共有二十六章,涵盖所有ap美国历史考点,每章包括重要历史概念释义以及对应习题,考生可即学即练,及时巩固。书内包含一套诊断测试以及两套模拟测试,方便考生考前练习。 优势卖点: l  科学的“五步”学习方案,搭配考试计划app,量身定制个性化学习方案 l  巧妙的解题方法与策略,备考事半功倍 l  详细的学科内容讲解,查缺补漏,扫除知识盲点 l  典型的针对性练习,即学即练,测试复习成果 l  高度仿真模拟套题,考前测试,知己知彼  

AP美国历史5分制胜 内容简介

越来越多的高中生选择出国攻读大学课程,参加ap考试并取得优异的成绩不仅可以提高大学申请成功率,还可以在一定程度上减免昂贵的大学学费。 本系列ap考试丛书引进自美国知名教育出版公司mcgraw-hill education,由ap考试相关领域专家编写,是美国本土大学课堂使用教材,可以帮助考生提前适应全英学习模式。此系列中,ap各学科分册紧扣考试命题特点,以“五步”方案为学习框架,囊括与考试相关的学科要点。同时,还精选针对性练习以及全真模拟试题,配以准确答案和详尽解析,利于考生巩固所学。此外,考生还可在app store中搜索“ap planner”免费下载app,量身定制个性化学习日程。随书附赠光碟一张,内含三套全新模拟试题,海量习题让考生不再担心题量不足,斩获ap5分!  

AP美国历史5分制胜 目录

step1 set up your study programchapter1   what you need to know about the apu.s. history exam 3chapter2   preparing for the ap u.s. historyexam 8step2 determine your test readinesschapter3   take a diagnostic exam 17step3 develop strategies for successchapter4 mastering skills and understanding themes for the new exam 47chapter5 strategies for approaching each question type 52step4 review the knowledge you need to score highchapter6 settling of the western hemisphere (1491–1607) 63chapter7 colonial america (1607–1650) 68chapter8 british empire in america: growth and conflict (1650–1750) 74chapter9 resistance, rebellion, and revolution (1750–1775) 82chapter10 american revolution and the new nation (1775–1787) 90chapter11 establishment of new political systems (1787–1800) 99chapter12 jeffersonian revolution (1800–1820) 108chapter13 rise of manufacturing and the age of jackson (1820–1845) 117chapter14 union expanded and challenged (1835–1860) 126chapter15 union divided: the civil war (1861–1865) 137chapter16 era of reconstruction (1865–1877) 146chapter17 western expansion and its impact on theamericancharacter (1860–1895) 154chapter18 america transformed into the industrial giantofthe world (1870–1910) 164chapter19 rise of american imperialism (1890–1913) 178chapter20 progressive era (1895–1914) 188chapter21 united states and world war i (1914–1921) 198chapter22 beginning of modern america: the 1920s 208chapter23 great depression and the new deal (1929–1939) 220chapter24 world war ii (1933–1945) 234chapter26 prosperity and anxiety: the 1950s 261chapter27 america in an era of turmoil (1960–1975) 270chapter28 decline and rebirth (1968–1988) 282chapter29 prosperity and a new world order (1988–2000) 294chapter30 threat of terrorism, increase of presidential power, andchapter31 contemporary america: evaluating the “big themes” 312step5 build your test-taking confidenceapu.s. history practice exam 1 321ap u.s. history practice exam 2 349

AP美国历史5分制胜 作者简介

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