新东方·TOEFL Junior阅读

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新东方·TOEFL Junior阅读

新东方·TOEFL Junior阅读


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新东方·TOEFL Junior阅读 本书特色

      《toefl junior阅读》是“toefl junior”系列图书中的阅读专项辅导书,本系列其他三本图书分别为:《toefl junior语言形式与含义》        《toefl junior听力》以及《toefl junior词汇精讲精练》,由toefl junior一线教师和考试研究专家精心编写,是国内备考toefl junior不可多得的辅导丛书。       本书介绍了toefl junior阅读考试的相关信息,对阅读考试题型进行详细分类讲解,针对非学术类文章和学术类文章进行专项分析,并提供大量有针对性的练习题目,辅以答案解析。同时,书中还提供了1套模拟试题,从题目设置和题量控制上完全符合正规toefl junior考试要求,供考生平时巩固练习和考前模拟练习使用。

新东方·TOEFL Junior阅读 内容简介

       《toefl junior阅读》正是“toefl junior”系列图书中的阅读专项辅导书。由toefl junior一线教师和考试研究专家精心编写,是国内备考toefl junior不可多得的辅导丛书。      本书分为问题类型、非学术类文章、学术类文章、模拟试题四大部分。问题类型部分介绍了阅读考试中常见的6种题型。非学术类文章部分对邮件信函、通知公告及新闻故事等形式的文章进行了专项分析与练习。学术类文章部分涉及题材广泛,并针对不同文章类型进行了专项练习。模拟试题部分提供了自测题,方便考生实战演练,帮助考生熟悉考试节奏,提高成绩,取得高分。 

新东方·TOEFL Junior阅读 目录

general introduction to toefl® juniortmtest(toefl®juniortm 考试简介)                                            ⅴreadingcomprehension overview(阅读理解概述)                           ⅵhow touse this book(如何使用本书)                                      ⅶ  chapter1  question types(问题类型) type 1 main idea(主旨题)                                                 2type 2 purpose(目的题)                                                   3type 3 inference(推论题)                                                  4type 4 reference(指代题)                                                 5type 5 word meaning(词义理解题)                                         6type 6 detail(细节题)                                                     7 chapter2  non-academic subjects(非学术类文章) type 1 e-mail and letter(邮件信函)practiceset 1                                                        10type 2 notice and announcement(通知公告)practiceset 2                                                       21type 3 journalism and story(新闻故事)practiceset 3                                                       32 chapter3  academic subjects(学术类文章) type 1 astronomy(天文)practiceset 4                                                       45type 2 biology(生物)practiceset 5                                                       54type 3 archeology(考古)practiceset 6                                                        64type 4 sport(体育)practiceset 7                                                       73type 5 architecture(建筑)practiceset 8                                                        82type 6 geography(地理)practiceset 9                                                       91type 7 celebrity(人物)practiceset 10                                                      101type 8 humanities(人文)practiceset 11                                                      110type 9 common sense of life(生活)practiceset 12                                                      120chapter4  practice test(模拟试题)                                        129 answersand explanations(答案与解析)                                     147

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