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英语日常会话 本书特色

打电话  预约医生/叫出租车/报告火情  购  物  逛超市/买衣服/讨价还价  在公寓  设备维修/日常服务/与邻居聊天  医  疗  在急诊室/去体检/去药店  去银行  开账户/取钱/兑换外汇  去邮局  寄挂号信/寄包裹/保留邮件

英语日常会话 内容简介


英语日常会话 目录

chapter 1 telephone call 打电话    section 1 appointment with doctor 预约看医生        dialogue 1 making an appointment预约    dialogue 2 canceling an appointment 取消预约    section 2 calling a taxi 打电话叫出租    dialogue 1 calling action 打电话给行动出租车公司    dialogue 2 calling barwood 打电话给横木出租车公司  section 3 making emergency call 打紧急电话    dialogue 1 reporting fire 报告火灾    dialogue 2 medical emergency 紧急医疗情况chapter 2 shopping 购物  section 1 buying food 买食品    dialogue 1 asking about items on sale 询问减价食品    dialogue 2 looking for advertised goods 寻找广告上的商品    dialogue 3 checking out through an express lane 通过快速通道结账    dialogue 4 checking out at self service 在自助服务机上结账    dialogue 5 scanning non-barcode items 扫描非条码商品    dialogue 6 using a card to make payment 用卡付款    dialogue 7 avoiding overpayment 避免多付款  section 2 purchasing clothes 买衣服    dialogue 1 looking around 走走看看    dialogue 2 looking for clothes 找衣服    dialogue 3 paying for clothes at the check-out counter 在收银台付款    dialogue 4 returning clothes at customer service 在顾客服务处退衣服  section 3 purchasing other necessities 购买其他必需品    dialogue 1 asking about “rebate” 询问返现    dialogue 2 testing a purchase 测试需购买的商品    dialogue 3 buying a computer accessory 买电脑配件    dialogue 4 bargaining讨价还价chapter 3 at the apartment 在公寓  section 1 having problems with apartment equipment 公寓设备有问题    dialogue 1 asking for equipment repair and maintenance 要求设备维修    dialogue 2 equipment problems 常见设备问题    dialogue 3 changing the toilet lid and seat 换马桶盖和马桶座  section 2 getting other services 获得其他服务    dialogue 1 paying rent 交房租    dialogue 2 copying documents 复印文件    dialogue 3 getting quarters 换25美分的硬币    dialogue 4 requesting exterminator 要求灭虫    dialogue 5 catching a mouse 捉老鼠  section 3 having contacts with neighbors 和邻居接触    dialogue 1 talking about the neighborhood 谈论周围地区    dialogue 2 talking about the property 谈论公寓财产    dialogue 3 talking about the building 谈论公寓楼    dialogue 4 talking about rules and regulations 谈论规章制度    dialogue 5 doing a favor for your neighbor 帮助邻居    dialogue 6 asking a favor of your neighbor 请邻居帮忙chapter 4 medical treatment 医疗  section 1 at the emergency room 在急诊室    dialogue 1 at your neighbor’s apartment 在你邻居的公寓    dialogue 2 at the emergency room 在急诊室  section 2 at the test center 在测试中心    dialogue 1 blood work 验血    dialogue 2 x-ray x光    dialogue 3 sonogram 超声波图  section 3 at the pharmacy 在药店    dialogue 1 at the drop-off 在投方处    dialogue 2 at the pick-up 在取药处  section 4 at the family doctor’s or specialist’s office 在家庭医生或专科医生的诊所    dialogue 1 tooth-cleaning 洗牙    dialogue 2 tooth-filling 补牙    dialogue 3 tooth treatment 治牙    dialogue 4 tooth extraction 拔牙    dialogue 5 dentures 假牙chapter 5 transportation 交通    dialogue 1 buying a senior smartrip card 购买老年人智能卡    dialogue 2 adding value to a smartrip card 给智能卡充值chapter 6 at other public places 在其他公共场所  section 1 at the bank 在银行     dialogue 1 opening a bank account 开银行账户     dialogue 2 withdrawing money 取钱     dialogue 3 cashing a check 兑现支票     dialogue 4 exchanging for foreign currency 兑换外汇     dialogue 5 forgetting pin number 忘记密码     dialogue 6 using an atm to withdraw cash 使用自动柜员机取款     dialogue 7 about overdraft and checkbooks 关于透支和支票本  section 2 at the post office 在邮局     dialogue 1 sending an ordinary letter 寄一封普通的信     dialogue 2 sending certified mail 寄挂号信     dialogue 3 sending an express mail 寄特快邮件     dialogue 4 sending a parcel 寄包裹     dialogue 5 holding mail 保留邮件appendix 附录

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