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AP微观经济学5分制胜-英文 本书特色

《AP微观经济学5分制胜》共分5步,帮助考生了解AP考试以及自身水平,培养考试技巧,复习重点难点,建立应考信心。 全书详细介绍了AP考试特点,并提供了三种不同的备考方案,方便考生根据自身情况制定复习计划。诊断测试附有详细答案和解析,方便考生查缺补漏。此外,还为各种类型的考题提供了应试技巧,让考生备考事半功倍。考点复习部分共有七章,涵盖所有AP微观经济学考点,每章包括微观经济学概念释义以及详细例题解析,考生复习可做到有的放矢。书后和CD-ROM上各附带两套试题,方便考生考前练习。

AP微观经济学5分制胜-英文 内容简介

越来越多的高中生选择出国攻读大学课程,参加AP考试并取得优异的成绩不仅可以提高大学申请成功率,还可以在一定程度上减免昂贵的大学学费。 本系列AP考试丛书引进自美国知名教育出版公司McGraw-Hill Education,由AP考试相关领域专家编写,是美国本土大学课堂使用教材,可以帮助考生提前适应全英学习模式。此系列中,AP各学科分册紧扣考试命题特点,以“五步”方案为学习框架,囊括与考试相关的学科要点。同时,还精选针对性练习以及全真模拟试题,配以准确答案和详尽解析,利于考生巩固所学。此外,考生还可在App Store中搜索“AP Planner”免费下载App,量身定制个性化学习日程。

AP微观经济学5分制胜-英文 目录

STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program 1 What You Need to Know About the AP Microeconomics Exam 3 2 How to Plan Your Time 12 STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness 3 Take the Diagnostic Exam 19 Diagnostic Exam: AP Microeconomics 23 STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success 4 How to Approach Each Question Type 33 Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions 33 Section II: Free-Response Questions 36 STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High 5 Fundamentals of Economic Analysis 41 5.1 Scarce Resources 42 5.2 Production Possibilities 45 5.3 Functions of Economic Systems 51 6 Demand, Supply, Market Equilibrium, and Welfare Analysis 55 6.1 Demand 55 6.2 Supply 61 6.3 Market Equilibrium 64 6.4 Welfare Analysis 69 7 Elasticity, Microeconomic Policy, and Consumer Theory 74 7.1 Elasticity 75 7.2 Microeconomic Policy and Applications of Elasticity 83 7.3 Trade Barriers 90 7.4 Consumer Choice 93 8 The Firm, Profit, and the Costs of Production 102 8.1 Firms, Opportunity Costs, and Profits 103 8.2 Production and Cost 104 9 Market Structures, Perfect Competition, Monopoly, and Things Between 116 9.1 Perfect Competition 117 9.2 Monopoly 127 9.3 Monopolistic Competition 132 9.4 Oligopoly 134 10 Factor Markets 140 10.1 Factor Demand 141 10.2 Least-Cost Hiring of Multiple Inputs 145 10.3 Factor Supply and Market Equilibrium 147 10.4 Imperfect Competition in Product and Factor Markets 149 11 Public Goods, Externalities, and the Role of Government 153 11.1 Public Goods and Spillover Benefits 154 11.2 Pollution and Spillover Costs 156 11.3 Income Distribution and Tax Structures 158 STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence AP Microeconomics Practice Exam 1 167 AP Microeconomics Practice Exam 2 187 Appendixes 207 Further Reading 209 Websites 211 Glossary 213 Important Formulas and Conditions 219

AP微观经济学5分制胜-英文 作者简介

Eric Dodge:资深AP教学与考试专家,拥有多年AP经济学教学经验,曾出版多本AP微观经济学教材,熟知AP考试特点,现任印第安纳州Hanover College经济学教授。


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