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剑桥雅思阅读词汇笔记 本书特色


剑桥雅思阅读词汇笔记 内容简介

雅思考试中阅读对于词汇量的要求是*高的, 词汇不仅关系到具体题目的对错, 有时候是否认识一个单词对于整篇文章的理解都至关重要。我们结合多年教学经验, 以篇章为单元, 逐篇逐段选取剑3-剑11中144篇文章的核心词汇和词组进行注释。每篇文章梳理出约200个左右的单词和短语, 其中包含大量高中词汇, 便于高中生起点的考生使用。另外, 除A类阅读文章外, 书中还收录了G类阅读中的单词和短语, 全面突破。

剑桥雅思阅读词汇笔记 目录

Cambridge 3 C3 T1, P1 ········································ 1 The Rocket — from East to West C3 T1, P2 ········································ 4 The Risks of Cigarette Smoke C3 T1, P3 ········································ 7 The Scientific Method C3 T2, P1 ········································ 9 A Remarkable Beetle C3 T2, P2 ·······································12 C3 T2, P3 ·······································15 The Concept of Role Theory C3 T3, P1 ·······································18 The Department of Ethnography C3 T3, P2 ·······································21 Secrets of the Forest C3 T3, P3 ·······································24 Highs & Lows C3 T4, P1 ·······································26 C3 T4, P2 ·······································29 Votes for Women C3 T4, P3 ·······································32 Measuring Organisational Performance C3 TA, S1 ·······································34 C3 TA, S2 ·······································35 C3 TA, S3 ·······································36 C3 TB, S1 ······································38 C3 TB, S2 ······································40 C3 TB, S3 ······································42 Cambridge 4 C4 T1, P1 ·······································44 C4 T1, P2 ·······································47 What Do Whales Feel? C4 T1, P3 ·······································49 Visual Symbols and the Blind C4 T2, P1 ·······································51 Lost for Words C4 T2, P2 ·······································54 Alternative Medicine in Australia C4 T2, P3 ·······································56 Play Is a Serious Business C4 T3, P1 ·······································59 Micro-Enterprise Credit for Street Youth C4 T3, P2 ·······································62 Volcanoes — Earth-shattering News C4 T3, P3 ·······································65 Obtaining Linguistic Data C4 T4, P1 ·······································68 How Much Higher? How Much Faster? C4 T4, P2 ·······································71 The Nature and Aims of Archaeology C4 T4, P3 ·······································74 The Problem of Scarce Resources C4 TA, S1 ·······································77 C4 TA, S2 ·······································79 C4 TA, S3 ·······································81 C4 TB, S1 ······································83 C4 TB, S2 ······································85 C4 TB, S3 ······································87 Cambridge 5 C5 T1, P1 ·······································89 Johnson’s Dictionary C5 T1, P2 ·······································92 Nature or Nurture C5 T1, P3 ·······································96 The Truth About the Environment C5 T2, P1 ····································· 100 Bakelite — The Birth of Modern Plastics C5 T2, P2 ····································· 103 What’s So Funny? C5 T2, P3 ····································· 106 The Birth of Scientific English C5 T3, P1 ····································· 109 Early Childhood Education C5 T3, P2 ······································111 Disappearing Delta C5 T3, P3 ····································· 113 The Return of Artificial Intelligence C5 T4, P1 ····································· 116 The Impact of Wilderness Tourism C5 T4, P2 ····································· 118 Flawed Beauty: the Problem with Toughened Glass C5 T4, P3 ····································· 121 The Effects of Light on Plant and Animal Species C5 TA, S1 ····································· 123 C5 TA, S2 ····································· 125 C5 TA, S3 ····································· 126 C5 TB, S1 ···································· 128 C5 TB, S2 ···································· 129 C5 TB, S3 ···································· 130 Cambridge 6 C6 T1, P1 ····································· 132 Australia’s Sporting Success C6 T1, P2 ····································· 135 Delivering the Goods C6 T1, P3 ····································· 137 Climate Change and the Inuit C6 T2, P1 ····································· 139 Advantages of Public Transport C6 T2, P2 ····································· 141 Greying Population Stays in the Pink C6 T2, P3 ····································· 143 Numeration C6 T3, P1 ····································· 145 C6 T3, P2 ····································· 147 Motivating Employees Under Adverse Conditions C6 T3, P3 ····································· 149 The Search for the Anti-aging Pill C6 T4, P1 ····································· 151 Doctoring Sales C6 T4, P2 ····································· 153 Do Literate Women Make Better Mothers? C6 T4, P3 ····································· 155 C6 TA, S1 ····································· 157 C6 TA, S2 ····································· 158 C6 TA, S3 ····································· 159 C6 TB, S1 ···································· 161 C6 TB, S2 ···································· 162 C6 TB, S3 ···································· 164 Cambridge 7 C7 T1, P1 ····································· 166 Let's Go Bats C7 T1, P2 ····································· 168 Making Every Drop Count C7 T1, P3 ····································· 170 Educating Psyche C7 T2, P1 ····································· 172 Why Pagodas Don’t Fall Down C7 T2, P2 ····································· 174 The True Cost of Food C7 T2, P3 ····································· 176 Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project C7 T3, P1 ····································· 178 Ant Intelligence C7 T3, P2 ····································· 181 Population Movements and Genetics C7 T3, P3 ····································· 183 C7 T4, P1 ····································· 185 Pulling Strings to Build Pyramids C7 T4, P2 ····································· 187 Endless Harvest C7 T4, P3 ····································· 189 Effects of Noise C7 TA, S1 ····································· 191 C7 TA, S2 ····································· 192 C7 TA, S3 ····································· 194 C7 TB, S1 ···································· 196 C7 TB, S2 ···································· 197 C7 TB, S3 ···································· 198 Cambridge 8 C8 T1, P1 ····································· 200 A Chronicle of Timekeeping C8 T1, P2 ····································· 203 Air Traffic Control in the USA C8 T1, P3 ····································· 205 Telepathy C8 T2, P1 ····································· 208 Sheet Glass Manufacture: the Float Process C8 T2, P2 ····································· 210 The Little Ice Age C8 T2, P3 ····································· 213 The Meaning and Power of Smell C8 T3, P1 ····································· 215 Striking Back at Lightening with Lasers C8 T3, P2 ····································· 217 The Nature of Genius C8 T3, P3 ····································· 219 How Does the Biological Clock Tick? C8 T4, P1 ····································· 221 Land of the Rising Sum C8 T4, P2 ····································· 223 Biological Control of Pests C8 T4, P3 ····································· 225 Collecting Ant Specimens C8 TA, S1 ····································· 227 C8 TA, S2 ····································· 228 C8 TA, S3 ····································· 229 C8 TB, S1 ···································· 231 C8 TB, S2 ···································· 232 C8 TB, S3 ···································· 233 Cambridge 9 C9 T1, P1 ····································· 234 William Henry Perkin C9 T1, P2 ····································· 237 Is There Anybody out There? C9 T1, P3 ····································· 239 The History of the Tortoise C9 T2, P1 ····································· 241 C9 T2, P2 ····································· 243 Venus in Transit C9 T2, P3 ····································· 245 A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently C9 T3, P1 ····································· 247 Attitudes to Language C9 T3, P2 ····································· 249 Tidal Power C9 T3, P3 ····································· 251 Information Theory — the Big Idea C9 T4, P1 ····································· 253 The Life and Work of Marie Curie C9 T4, P2 ····································· 255 Young Children’s Sense of Identity C9 T4, P3 ····································· 257 The Development of Museums C9 TA, S1 ····································· 259 C9 TA, S2 ····································· 261 C9 TA, S3 ····································· 264 C9 TB, S1 ···································· 266 C9 TB, S2 ···································· 267 C9 TB, S3 ···································· 269 Cambridge 10 C10 T1, P1 ··································· 271 Stepwells C10 T1, P2 ··································· 273 European Transport Systems 1990-2010 C10 T1, P3 ··································· 275 The Psychology of Innovation C10 T2, P1 ··································· 277 Tea and the Industrial Revolution C10 T2, P2 ··································· 279 Gifted Children and Learning C10 T2, P3 ··································· 281 Museums of Fine Art and Their Public C10 T3, P1 ··································· 284 The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism C10 T3, P2 ··································· 286 Autumn Leaves C10 T3, P3 ··································· 288 Beyond the Blue Horizon C10 T4, P1 ··································· 291 The Megafires of California C10 T4, P2 ··································· 293 Second Nature C10 T4, P3 ··································· 295 When Evolution Runs Backwards C10 TA, S1 ··································· 298 C10 TA, S2 ··································· 300 C10 TA, S3 ··································· 302 C10 TB, S1 ··································· 304 C10 TB, S2 ··································· 306 C10 TB, S3 ··································· 308 Cambridge 11 C11 T1, P1 ··································· 310 Crop-growing Skyscrapers C11 T1, P2 ··································· 312 The Falkirk Wheel C11 T1, P3 ··································· 314 Reducing the Effects of Climate Change C11 T2, P1 ··································· 316 Raising the Mary Rose C11 T2, P2 ··································· 318 What Destroyed the Civilisation of Easter Island? C11 T2, P3 ··································· 320 Neuroaesthetics C11 T3, P1 ··································· 322 The Story of Silk C11 T3, P2 ··································· 324 Great Migrations C11 T3, P3 ··································· 326 Preface to ‘How the Other Half Thinks: Adventures in Mathematical Reasoning’ C11 T4, P1 ··································· 328 Research Using Twins C11 T4, P2 ··································· 330 An Introduction to Film Sound C11 T4, P3 ··································· 332 ‘This Marvellous Invention’ C11 T1, S1 ···································· 335 Is Your Child at School Today? Holiday Apartments to Let C11 T1, S2 ···································· 337 GZJ Travel — Recruitment Info Hilton Laboratory C11 T1, S3 ···································· 339 The Zebra’s Long Walk Across Africa C11 T2, S1 ···································· 341 Sustainable School Travel Strategy Flu: the Facts C11 T2, S2 ···································· 343 Tips for Giving an Effective Business Presentation How to Get a Job in Journalism C11 T2, S3 ···································· 345 What Is It Like to Run a Large Supermarket? C11 T3, S1 ···································· 347 Summer Activities at London’s Kew Gardens City Park and Ride C11 T3, S2 ···································· 349 How to Organise a Business Conference How to Deal with the Performance Appraisal C11 T3, S3 ···································· 351 Efforts to Save a Special Bird—the Sandpiper C11 T4, S1 ···································· 354 Visitor Attractions in Southern England Paragliding in Australia C11 T4, S2 ···································· 356 How to Prepare for an Interview Setting up Your Own Business C11 T4, S3 ···································· 357 Understanding Hares

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