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中国改革开放的先行者:谷牧回忆录 本书特色


中国改革开放的先行者:谷牧回忆录 内容简介


中国改革开放的先行者:谷牧回忆录 目录

Preface Chapter 1 From Jiaodong to Beiping 1.1 The road of revolution 1.2 Eventful years at Wendeng Normal School 1.3 Beiping branch of the League of Left-wing Writers - my "university". 1.4 Behind bars Chapter 2 Five Years in the Northeast Army (The Soldiers' Movement}. 2.1 Becoming a "student soldier" of the young Marshal Chang 2.2 Experiencing the Xi'an Incident 2.3 Fighting against the Japanese in the front line 2.4 Meeting with Zhou Enlai for the first time 2.5 Open a "front" in Wan Yi's regiment 2.6 Unite friendly forces to fight against the Japanese aggressors 2.7 The struggle against a resurgence of anti-communist activity, and against attempts to surrender to the Japanese 2.8 Greeting the uprising of Division 111 of the Northeast Army Chapter 3 Ten Years in Binhai 3.1 From "underground" to "open". 3.2 Breaking out of an encirclement in Liutian on a starlit night 3.3 Wounded on Daqing Mountain 3.4 Receiving Comrade Shaoqi 3.5 Expelling the die-hard Kuomintang army from the Jiazi Mountains 3.6 Expanding anti-Japanese bases in Binhai 3.7 Embracing the victory of the resistance war in the midst of fighting. 3.8 Reluctant to part with Comrade Luo Ronghuan 3.9 Start of new battles 3.10 Hard battles in Binhai for liberation 3.11 Destroying the exploitative feudal land system 3.12 Everything for the victory at the front 3.13 Taking over Xinpu, Haizhou and Lianyungang Chapter 4 In the Early Days after the Founding of the PRC 4.1 The new look of Jinan 4.2 CPC Central Committee concern for Jinan 4.3 A memorable tour 4.4 A return to Shanghai 4.5 Transferred to the post in the State Council 4.6 A rocky road on the Great Leap Forward 4.7 Implementing the "Eight-character Principle". 4.8 Lessons that should be remembered 4.9 Inspiration from the Daqing Oilfield 4.10 Walking the tight rope of "Socialist Education". 4.11 Building the Third Front 4.12 An important meeting cancelled Chapter 5 Painful Memories of the Cultural Revolution 5.1 Bewilderment, perplexity and anxiety . 5.2 Accompanying Comrade Shaoqi to dundian 5.3 Contest at the symposium of industrial and transport systems 5.4 A foggy trip to the Southwest 5.5 Heroic fight in February 5.6 The plight of being falsely accused 5.7 Being a soldier, worker and going to grassroots unit 5.8 Premier Zhou puts me in charge of harbor construction 5.9 Creating order in industry and transportation under Deng Xiaoping.. 5.10 The difficult and unforgettable 1976 Chapter 6 The Era of Reform and Opening Up 6.1 New development in foreign economic relationship of the People's Republic 6.2 Preparation and discussion before decision-making 6.3 Breakthrough measures 6.4 Tough advance 6.5 Spring of opening up 6.6 New mileage in the development of special economic zones 6.7 Creating laws and regulations for attracting foreign investment 6.8 Plans to establish Hainan Special Economic Zone 6.9 All round opening up of the coastal areas 6.10 New development of tourism and civil aviation in opening up 6.11 Some experience of an "old hand". Chapter 7 My Work on the Confucius Foundation 7.1 Deng Yingchao appoints me 7.2 Work during the early days of the Confucius Foundation 7.3 Rethinking of historical status of Confucius and his doctrine Chapter 8 Several Tasks Entrusted by Premier Zhou Completed: Protection of Prince Gong's Mansion and Other Tasks Postscript Index

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